In Greenland due to warming has melted about 600 billion tons of ice

Ice shield of Greenland lost about 600 billion tonnes of global warming and the increased inflow of warm air from continental Europe. Despite the fact that abnormally high temperatures were the main factor to the ice melting seen in Greenland last year, according to scientists, a large number of Sunny days and the influx of warm air also played a key role in this process, notes the BBC.

In the study, researchers found that a record number of days without clouds and streams of sunlight falling on the surface of the ice sheet, contributed to a significant decrease of snow cover and the melting of ice. The process has accelerated due to the arrival in Greenland of the jet air flow, which in 2019 for a long time kept warm over Europe. The authors of the study from the Danish meteorological Institute in Copenhagen came to the conclusion that modern climate models do not consider the impact of wandering jet stream and can lead to underestimation of its influence on the melting of the ice, which was a record in the process of observing this natural phenomenon in Greenland.

the Ice sheet in Greenland seven times the size of Britain and in places has a thickness of two to three kilometers. It holds so much frozen water that if the shell were to melt, then sea levels worldwide will rise by seven meters. According to researchers, the Greenland ice sheet is melting seven times faster than in the 1990-ies. In addition, a study by Danish scientists showed that 600 billion tons have melted in Greenland ice added 2.2 mm to global sea levels in just two months.