In Europe ended a protracted war between the chocolate manufacturers of sweets, Ritter Sport and Milka because of the shape of chocolate bars, writes Deutsche Welle.

Manufacturers about 10 years arguing about whether Ritter Sport exclusive right to produce chocolates in square box. In 2016, the court sided with Milka and deprived a competitor of an exclusive right, considering that the square tile shape is an advantage, which unjustly deprived competitors of Ritter Sport.

However, after a year the latter managed to regain the exclusive rights, proving that the main thing in chocolate taste and the ingredients, not the form. Milka again filed a complaint, and 23 July 2020, the highest German court in Karlsruhe finally secured the rights to square tiles for Ritter Sport. In justification, she pointed out that this form of packaging has no artistic value and does not lead to the difference in price.

the Square form of packaging invented by the wife of the founder of the factory Ritter Sport Ritter Clara (Clara Ritter) in 1932. This tile had to fit in the pocket of any sports jacket in contrast to the rectangular to survive.