For me, it is important to get used the language continuously. If I had used the sami at least once a day so it had been awesome.

Maajja-Krihke Bransfjell live in Brekken in Trøndelag, and speak southern sami. Not many around her speak the sámi language, because the south sámi live spedt and there are long distances between each other.

– When you don’t have as many to talk with, it is difficult to get used the language regularly, ” says Maajja-Krihke.

POSITIVE: Maajja-Krihke Bransfjell think it is important to use the language constantly, even if she doesn’t have many saami speaking persons around them.

The sami språkarenaene is important, she believes. These are places where she meets others who also speak southern sami.

Found on a creative solution

the School in Levanger, where the 20-year-old study) is an important språkarena. When the school closed because of koronavirusutbruddet found the south students quickly a creative solution.

They created a digital sami språkkafé.

– This is a digital meeting place where we let the language flow, and just talk about fixed and fixed on the sami. Not with the grammatical correction, or with something språkpoliti. A place where we are given the opportunity to use the language in everyday life, explains Bransfjell.

NEW SPRÅKARENA: Here parts the members, sound clips, videos and messages) with each other.

Photo: Private

the Capture in Norway has received a tremendous boost in these korona-times. Never before have we been so digitally active as of now. We secure on the web, we host concerts and attend the digital training centers.

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Maajja-Krihke like the concept of a digital språkkafé.

The most important thing you can do to learn a language is to use it, ” she says.

the Absence of sami språkarenaer worry

the Parliament is concerned over the absence of sami språkarenaer after koronavirusutbruddet.

Closure of kindergartens and schools can have major consequences for revitaliseringen and development of sámi language, enter Parliament in a contribution to the Education directorate.

CONCERNED: Sametingsråd Mikkel It Mikkelsen is concerned over the absence of sami språkarenaer.

Photo: Marit Sofie Holmestrand / NRK

– For many children and young people is the nursery and school are the only venues where they speak and hear the sami language. This is a vulnerable group that relies on daily contact with the teacher, says sametingsråd Mikkel It Mikkelsen.

He wants innspillet can be to find solutions when the government is considering new measures.

– A good initiative

southern Sami is one of the most endangered languages in the world and is therefore very vulnerable.

The south teacher David Kroik is proud of its students and believes the digital språkkaféen is an excellent initiative.

– It is important to get the language in as many situations as possible in everyday life. The amount has a great impact. How much one uses the language affects how safe you are on it, ” says Kroik.

He believes that this is a concept that more people can benefit from.

PROUD: a Teacher in the south sami David Kroik (36) like the student initiative to a new digital språkarena.

Photo: Private

– This creates nothing alone, but together with other measures, and bets so this is also a part of the solution to drive the language forward, ” says the teacher.

Maajja-Krihke hope that the digital språkkafeen will live on after koronakrisen.

– It had been cool to have an extended group. The more that hangs on, the better it is. When we create a safe arena for sami and it is something I think we need.

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