the electronic Process of evolution more profound. How available and transparent will explain the nature of these transformations depends not only their success, but also the degree of trust of people to government agencies. As example, Chechnya, one of the leaders of the process of digitalization of the social sphere. How Republic, famous powers of the traditional ways, took the leading position in this process?

Note that in Chechnya the most popular method of communication are messengers. Thousands of residents of the Republic of calling and exchanging written messages through WhatsApp. In the Republican Branch of the pension Fund a few years ago noticed this trend and decided to help the people, creating for them such a channel, which would be convenient to the maximum number of users.

So there was a WhatsApp-consultant. The principle of its operation is as follows: any resident of the Republic, who addressed the room 8-960-440-00-14, can get information on the programs of the Pension Fund and the mode of its operation. The service also advises on individual matters using the secret code.

the pension Fund Branch in the Chechen Republic generally created by customer service, which is unique in the country. Last year she made 1816 a man who visited her in person. Another 57 thousand citizens called customer service by phone “a hot line”. For comparison, this year it is remotely serviced for 18100 people.

by the Way, last year customer service has reorganized to increase its effectiveness. The result is a unified client window, which enabled to carry out reception without the involvement of specialists from the relevant departments. It was also created a separate client window, where you can very quickly obtain information and documents.

As noted in the pension Fund Branch in the Chechen Republic, questions of Informatization not only affect the direct delivery of public services in electronic form. Similarly, with the help of telecommunication technologies there is continuous monitoring of quality of services. To do this, the Pension Fund used a system of “Your control” and SMS-voting, social networking and video calls.

the Signal is recorded in the electronic register of references of citizens irrespective of which channel it received. The system itself is a web application. The program automatically records the date and time of treatment, contributes to the database of information about the applicant (name, address and social security number) and, of course, writes his question. Records data about the employee who took the subject. Thus, the region has created a mechanism for dealing with citizens, which does not allow leave without attention to any signal.

However, getting citizen services in electronic form – this is just the tip of the iceberg. The digitalization of the pension system is global. In particular, thanks to the internal services, which employees work each day, could significantly increase the speed of workflow.

All letters from the Pension Fund of Russia communicated to the subordinate bodies of the FIU internal communication channels and laid out on the platform Lotus Notes of a conference entitled “Purpose and recalculation”.

When making a retired citizen is no longer necessary to collect a large package of documents and to produce income almost from the very beginning of his career. In the Chechen Republic, for example, is actively implementing individual or personalized account – this is where all the information about citizens ‘ incomes and deductions, which for him was carried out to the Pension Fund are recorded in the system. To retire on the basis of such accounting is quite simple: the statement is sufficient to put a mark on the consent to the appointment of pensions according to the individual personal account (ILS).

As you know, one of the main objectives of the Pension Fund is to provide citizens with convenient conditions for the realization of the right to a pension. As mentioned above, with the consent of the applicant, you can assign it according to individual registration. However, he is not obliged to provide information about your experience and earnings. You just have to submit the application in electronic form without visiting the territorial body of the pension Fund.

But to bring this mechanism into action, the Foundation staff need to conduct preliminary work: to demand all documents necessary to establish the amount of pension, consider the data extract from the individual account of the pensioner and much more.

Preparation of documents for future retirees has become one of the priorities for territorial bodies of the FIU in the Chechen Republic. It is necessary to ensure the completeness and accuracy of the information on the pension rights of insured persons, including to assess the documents, verify them with the personified accounting, prepare all the necessary inquiries and to conduct the verification.

in order to accomplish this, without exaggeration, a great job, employees PF interact not only with the insured adult and the insured, but also with state and municipal authorities, registry offices, military commissariats, and other agencies.

While mandatory are evaluated all the documents submitted, including those that confirm the experience on corresponding kinds of works. The analysis should show whether the information on the pension rights of citizens given to them, the information available to the territorial body of the pension Fund.

by the Way, the staff of the Fundand help citizens to obtain data on the length of service and salary, and also other periods that may be counted in the insurance period. The queries are routed to all departments and agencies possessing such information. In addition, employees of the Pension Fund to future pensioners explain how to apply to obtain the necessary information that they can use in practice, and even help them to do it.

Inform them about useful online services. For example, that citizens have the opportunity to apply for a pension through the “Personal account of the insured person” on the website of the FIU or through “Single portal of public services”. Talk about the fact that the pension can be assigned according to the individual (personified) account without the submission of additional documents.

in Order to determine in advance how much work is to be performed, from a variety of sources formed the current list of future pensioners insured persons nearing retirement age and eligible for early retirement in accordance with the “Consolidated list of privileged occupations.” In lists making and future retirees, which employers provide in the channels of BPI for two years before their employees will be eligible to retire. Explain that the contactless reception of the information (BPI) is a special system for organizing electronic document flow between policyholders and Pension Fund.

In processing, in particular, are details of the employment services, those who consists on the account reaches retirement age. In addition, a list of future retirees include anyone who has a long insurance record. This information is provided by the interregional information centre of the FIU. Handled personal requests of citizens and the attention of administrations of rural settlements of people living in their territory and approaching the General retirement age.

in addition, in cooperation with bodies of social protection of the population and local authorities formed the lists of mothers having three and four children. Today in the Republic there were 596 mothers. And for 592 of them, the Pension Fund has already conducted all the necessary preliminary work.

If the database of personified accounting of missing information about the actual registration address of the citizen, the search is conducted through the administration of rural settlements and post offices. Also requests are sent to the office for migration of the MIA of Russia, there are other ways.

by the Way, on the initiative of the Office of the pension Fund of the Chechen Republic was accepted by the government of the Czech Republic from 01.04.2014 N45 “About the organization�� preparatory work for the purpose of pensions in electronic form”. It reglementary the issues of organization of electronic information interaction of territorial bodies of the FIU with insurers for the submission of documents necessary for granting pensions.

was Also developed regulations for information exchange on the preparation of electronic images of documents for assignment of pensions. In accordance with the territorial bodies of the FIU in the Chechen Republic to communicate with policyholders in electronic format, in the framework of the agreements. Information is transmitted over secure communication channels with the use of electronic signatures and with the consent to the processing of personal data.

this paper documents the Pension Fund nor an employee of staff, or by the future pensioner is not available. By the way, as of April 1, 2020 Republican administrations 4151 FIU already concluded an agreement on the exchange of electronic documents, including in the framework of the early work. On the same date via electronic images, layouts, work books provided by the insurers, was appointed 4388 pensions.

Note that in February of 2019 entered into force a new administrative regulation. It stipulates that other periods included in the individual account of the insured citizen, taken into account when setting pension without requiring him documents proving such periods. Only if the ILS no, the person applies to the territorial body of the pension Fund for clarification.

for Example, if a citizen cared for the disabled of the 1st group, a disabled child or a person 80 years and older, these periods are also counted in the insurance period in accordance with paragraph 6 of part 1 of article 12 of the Federal law dated 28.12.2013 No. 400-FZ “About insurance pensions”. Such information in the individual account shall be made on the basis of the decision of the body responsible for pension security of the person that carried out the care.

Only until January 1, 2018, the pension Fund Branch in the Chechen Republic in the personal accounts of insured persons was made more than 94 thousands of records about the care of disabled of the 1st group, children with disabilities, or elderly people, and before January 1, 2019 was made even more 62 thousand of such information.

When calculating the insurance period until the registration of the citizen as the insured person, these periods are confirmed on the basis of the information of individual records or of documents issued by the employer or state and municipal authorities. This procedure is regulated by Federal law. After registration of the citizen as the insured person’s information is entered on the basis of personal accounting.

Priority data individuallyon account of due to the fact that HUD submitted data, which has already completed the legal process. This greatly facilitates the work. In Chechnya, for example, by the beginning of 2020, data on experience prior to registration of the citizen as the insured person was made to more than 50 thousand accounts.

in addition, to confirm other periods when determining pension documents are used, previously submitted to the territorial body of the pension Fund and available to him. Including to establish other benefits, has not lost relevance. For example, documents confirming the birth of children. Citizens to represent them in a PFR when applying for receiving the state certificate on the parent family capital.

In light of recent changes in pension legislation on the FIU was entrusted with the new responsibility. The Fund must provide information about citizens approaching retirement age in the tax office, public authorities (e.g. the employment service to facilitate their employment) and employers, and directly to the citizen.

By law, pretensioner may apply to the territorial bodies of the FIU for the necessary information five years prior to the onset of the age of eligibility for insurance an old-age pension, including ahead of schedule appointed. Each treatment in itself is a basis for the commencement of preliminary work.

In territorial bodies PFR of Chechnya, for example, for obtaining such information personally addressed 848 people. All applicants have already carried out preliminary work. This enables you to ensure the completeness and accuracy of information necessary for the timely appointment of pensions. Suffice it to say that thanks to the early work in territorial bodies PFR the term of consideration of statements for appointment of pensions does not exceed 10 working days.

overall, in 2019 in territorial bodies PFR in the Chechen Republic received 13438 statements about the purpose of insurance pensions. Of them 13382 statements have received a mark on the consent to the appointment of pensions according to individual consideration without personal appearance and without the submission of additional documents on the work experience and earnings. That is, it was approved by the 99,58% of the total number of applications sent by citizens to the territorial body of the pension Fund.

we Add that educational work is also set at a high level. So, the management and specialists of territorial bodies of the FIU periodically appear in the media, in particular television and radio. In all the Newspapers of the national level and in several municipal publications published materials that describes in detail about the possibility of seeking appointment of a neNSI through the “Personal account of the insured person” on the website of the FIU and “Single portal of public services”, and the appointment of pensions according to the individual (personified) account without the submission of additional documents. In addition, traditionally, meetings are held with working groups.

Returning to the question about the convenience of electronic services, to emphasise that they are accessible to people with disabilities. Recently entered into force amendments to the legislation that would establish payments on the basis of information from the Federal registry of persons with disabilities (FGIS FRIES) and documents received from Federal institutions mediko-social examination (MSE).

This measure is designed to help this category of citizens, among them many disabled people. For all of this great work. The pension Fund of Russia has developed a set of software products which help you to work with databases and FGIS FRIES and synchronize them with the data of the FIU.

Also the specialists of the branch of the FIU in the Chechen Republic has developed a special software. It creates for banks the protocols for the delivery of pensions and benefits. The system handles accruals both on the personal and on correspondent accounts.

Also developed a program for keeping records of certificates of disability. In fact, it is a complete database that contains data on citizens with disabilities provided by the ITU. It helps to search by social security number, reference number or surname. If any information is incorrect, the program allows you immediately to fix them. Thanks to this innovative software departments of appointment and recalculation of pensions, as well as regional management of the Pension Fund of the Chechen Republic can quickly assign the payment.

in addition, the Republican branch of the FIU developed a system of internal control over payment matters. Experts collate lists of electronic paymaster of Affairs of citizens and taken from them statements. This utility helps to identify treatment decisions that are not taken. That is, the use of this program allows you to control the timeliness of the calculation or recalculation of pensions and virtually eliminates the chance of error.

it’s safe to say that the latest technology doing the work of the Pension Fund as transparent as possible. So, in the Chechen Republic developed the application “monitoring of the performance of the Department.” With the help of the leadership of the Office of the pension Fund promptly receives the entire array of relevant data. The program automatically gives data on number of pensioners, including recipients of the insurance pensions and allowances for different categories.

according to the Department of Retirementtional Fund of Russia in the Chechen Republic, in the end, today innovations will allow for a more comfortable interaction between all stakeholders of the pension and social security agencies pension Fund.

To date, the pension Fund Branch in the Chechen Republic serves 419807 pensioners, 277504 recipients of monthly cash payments and 53188 recipient of Federal social surcharges. Since the beginning of the action of the Federal law “On additional measures of state support of the families having children” was issued more than 167 thousand state certificates on the parent family capital. As of may 1, 2020 on the account in territorial bodies PFR consist 30726 insurers, including 11452 legal entity and individual entrepreneur 19274.