the Program “Hits the edge of the world” will include the best films that became the winners of the Grand Prix or the winners of the audience voting of the festival in previous years.

In the “end of the world. The horizon of events” will be shown seven or eight new films from the number selected by the program Directorate for the festival this year. The competition among the paintings will not be held, but is traditionally held on the public vote and the winner will be awarded a prize of spectator sympathies.

“Sakhalin trace” will show the best pictures from programs of the past, as well as several new works in Sakhalin filmmakers.

Also on the weekends during the morning sessions children are waiting for a new animation program.

in Total, the program of this year’s festival will feature about 30 films is almost two times less than usual. A cultural program will also be minimized – at the moment the organizers are studying the possibility of holding a street concert and one creative meeting with a special guest.

Alexey Agranovich, the General producer of the festival tells us about the upcoming festival: “the Edge” Sakhalin familiar to the viewer. Sakhalin can rightfully call it their festival. He has a “proprietary” set of accessories and activities, deprived of which the festival can not be called “on the Edge. The East” in full. Besides, this year was supposed to be an anniversary, there are special, perhaps the best of all time. Attempt to hold it in traditional, but crumpled will not meet the expectations of the audience and deprive us all a good holiday movie.

the Proposed format of the festival “on the Edge 2020” can be partially or completely duplicated online. We invited a large portal to become another venue for the festival, but negotiations are still in process, so we can’t talk about the outcome. It is obvious that the emergence of the online platform festival will help to broaden our audience with the aim, primarily, of creating a wide range of Russian movie fans a positive image of the Sakhalin region – the territory that gave birth to the “Edge of the world”. But, as I said above, the festival “on the Edge” in the traditional format – a celebration of cinema, which involves a live meeting, communication, the magic of collective viewing and sharing of energies. So we intend to develop an online platform for the world’s end, but the main focus of our work will focus on offline”.

At the festival in Yuzhno-Sakhalinsk will arrive, the General producer of the festival Alexey Agranovich and program Director Aleksey Medvedev, which will lead to traditional discussions of the films. You will also receive a curatorial group, which will provide classes in the teenage workshops during f��stivale weeks – in compliance with all quarantine measures.

But the outdoor Sakhalin international film festival of the future “Play of light”, which involved filmmakers to 17 years, this year will be cancelled in connection with the disposal of roskomnadzora on cancellation of mass events for children up to the end of the year.