the regional Authorities provide the money, and the family will achieve the goal, which is designated in the contract. For example, in the Volgograd region the participants of the program of social contracts this year were 958 families with 2,400 children. The experience of those who are already working on cocontractor, speaks about the prospects of such a net.

Cocontract Kostroma help families to build households and to provide fresh farm products not only themselves but also neighbors.

a Few months ago, a large family Shelkovsky enter into a social contract with the local Department of social protection. From the regional budget monthly list of financial help. During the execution of the contract, the family gathers receipts and photos, which reports to the authorities about how the money spent.

the Family celebrated a good house: renovated farmyard, brought animals and has established the sale of milk. “Each month we list for six thousand rubles. The purpose of the contract – not “blow” the budget money and change your life for the better,” said Lydia Shelkovskaya.

According to the Department of social protection, at the conclusion cocontraction in the village is the most popular program on the development of their own yards. “Work with us very seriously – explains Lydia. – Everyone who wants to eat, keep their farm and earn a living. The family is large – every penny counts. The food are very rise in price. Since January, each bag is 140 rubles. And feed us leaves the bag on the day. We carry products in the city for 18 kilometers. There are people who are happy to buy our milk, cottage cheese, sour cream, butter, cheese, ghee milk. Expect us.”

In the Vologda region too often families take money for development of personal farmsteads – buy chickens, calves, piglets, repair sheds for the animals, purchase seeds and tillers. At least buy the equipment for home-based work, for example, sewing machines.

the family Sakinah – four children. The couple works in the road sector, with money always tight. So I decided to draw up a social contract. Helped the social worker, together painted a business plan. Received 36 thousand rubles. The money bought five piglets, and a Turkey incubator 50 eggs, feed, the mill and the boards on the barn. The three little pigs raised for meat, the rest is left for the offspring. Now supply the excellent pork not only themselves, but also sell. Buy their broiler chickens, turkeys.

Unusual use of the means of social contract invented by two young families from the Rostov region.

Instead of buying a cow or 30 seedlings of grapes, Victoria and Vitaly Sulimenko and Yuliya and Ruslan Mishchenko decided to do what they like to do odnosel��an beautiful. On the project they received from the state of 60 thousand rubles. On them and opened in his native village gym.

Yulia after giving birth I wanted to restore the former harmony. She bought a disk with the program and plunged into the workout. It so captivated her that she decided to get trained and do the work on the improvement of body their profession. It was supported by his brother Vitali. One time he was plagued by back pain. And then I read books Valentine dikulja. Vitali began to catch up, bought dumbbells, and soon he beautifully zaburilis muscles. So that behind him the building of the body began and his wife Victoria.

They appealed to the administration to help draw up the documents for the opening of the business. And there happy an unusual and useful project and offered to enter into a social contract. Rural fitness center called “Grief”. The means of cocontract purchased one professional trainer. Found rental for half the price of the empty auditorium in the office building. Put the bulkhead – it has two rooms for adults and children, showers and changing rooms.

Five years ago, in the Tatsinskiy district, where they live Sulimenko and Mishchenko, only one family entered into a social contract. In the past more than 30. “People at first were afraid to contact the government, – said Deputy head of management of social protection of the Tatsinskiy district Lyudmila Zabrodina. But managed to dispel prejudice about bureaucratic delays and Intrusive care.”

In the Rostov region cocontract already concluded about four thousand families. “This allowed them to increase their material well-being 2.5 times”, – told in the regional government.

In fact, the social contract is a bait for people with no money but a burning desire to do something. After defending their project they can get a lift on the first steps.

the Right to conclude a social contract are mainly poor people and large families whose income is below established in the region of the minimum subsistence level. At the request of the inhabitants of the specialists of centres of social protection go to the place, studying the living conditions of the families, and then together with them form the adaptation, which prescribe the steps that will help the needy get out of poverty.

In each region – their payouts. For example, the maximum amount of subsidy in the Rostov region – 60 thousand rubles. In the Volgograd region – to 40 thousand.

And in the Vologda region this year has increased. You can now get from 12 to 100 thousand rubles. 12 398 thousand rubles will be able to get the citizens of the contract for job search. 30 thousand will pay those who want to retrain, and will need to pay the rates. But when you open your own business you can claim for a 100 thousand. Increased volarmor in the Nizhny Novgorod region. 2.5 times, to 250 thousand rubles for the creation or development of the business.

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