Easter quarantined Spanish arrange a festive procession house video

do not change an established tradition.

Catholics around the world on 12 April will celebrate Easter. Spaniards love this feast hot: first, from long weekend, and secondly, from and many costumed religious processions to which the participants (and not only Church leaders, but also musicians, actors and enthusiasts of the parishioners) are prepared more than six months.

The publication of César Atanes (@cesar_atanes) 10 APR 2020 4:24 PDT

In the Holy week believers in rich attires on special platforms are on city streets sculptures of saints, accompanied by the orchestras almost daily.

Publish from JAVIER CAÑIZARES GIL (@javizares_photo) 9 APR 2020 2:25 PDT

But this year due coronavirus all public events were canceled, and the Spaniards had something pridumyvat.

People have begun to hold impromptu procession at home, using improvised means and very lucky out on the street in full regalia, at the same time to walk the dogs.

Dejo esto por aquí porque me ha hecho gracia pic.twitter.com/LEogwkb1Tj

Adorando el paso de la cofradía de nuestro señor, el Cristo de la Santa Mahou.#QuedateEnTuCasa pic.twitter.com/ytQXYxDlj3

En la calle Magdalena, hace un rato y por iniciativa de unos vecinos, se vivió esta particular procesión… #SemanaSantaEnCasa pic.twitter.com/gtneEexLBx

semana santa Es: Sí es posible la procesión en casa. #coronavirus #QuedateEnCasa #SemanaSanta pic.twitter.com/W7Bmsi06qC

¿ha Who above que las procesiones de Semana Santa se suspenden por culpa de la cuarentena? #QuedateEnCasa #Covid_19 pic.twitter.com/hx10G7CNcI

who Pero ha sido el genio? ?? pic.twitter.com/sNvgdBy3bZ

Procesión de Semana Santa en un hospital . No se lo pierdan : pic.twitter.com/2RiHdlzDle

Publish from Lourdes González (@lourdes.glez) 10 APR 2020 7:33 PDT

Publish from Zulema Prado (@zuleuno) 10 APR 2020 7:24 PDT

Publish from La Tienda Playcapillita (@playcapillita) 2 APR 2020 11:21 PDT

Publish from Puri Gonzalez (@purigonzalez_) 10 APR 2020 6:51 PDT

Catherine Gura