the death toll among coronapatienter in England is in the course of a day increased by 29 percent.

367 is in the past day died after being infected with the virus. It is the biggest increase in a day, reports the tv station, the BBC.

The total number of coronadødsfald in England is now 1651, grants uk health authorities.

The youngest patient, who died after being infected was 19 years old. He had no underlying diseases, it shall notify the national health service (NHS), according to the news agency Reuters.

“the Patients were aged from 19 to 98 years. All except the 28 patients (between 19 and 91 years old) had underlying diseases,” says a communication from the NHS.

Looking at the whole of the Uk, a total of 1801 people died after being infected with the virus. This is an increase of almost 400 in a day.

In the past day, 13 of the dead in Scotland, seven in Wales and six in northern Ireland.

It brings the total death toll for these three areas, respectively, 60, 69 and 28 among coronasmittede patients.
