David Harris is 65 years old, as he complains last week about mild Covid-19 symptoms. For clarification, the Englishman calls an ambulance that brings him briefly to the hospital. “There, they put him immediately into a coma to save his life,” says his sister Sally on Facebook now what has happened since then.

Two days later, his renal failure, his lungs. Machines had to give him henceforth artificially, she writes.

“this afternoon, it was decided that the Doctors can’t do anything more for him, and he will not recover. The life support measures were discontinued, and at 14 o’clock he died peacefully.“

“The next days will be difficult,”

“He was a loving Partner, father, brother, grandpa, uncle, great-uncle and friend to so many,” describes his sister, your sorrow in your Post. “The next days will be difficult.”

The worst part, she writes: no one from the family was allowed to be in the last few hours with David. That would have objected to, as she says, the isolation rules in Coivd-19-disease.

“We are all encouraged to adhere to these rules. Makes it so easy!“, it is aimed at the General Public. FOCUS Online provides you with the most exciting Reports from the parents. Here you can subscribe to the Newsletter.

“Keep yourselves from the pain that we are experiencing, by keeping yourself in mind. My brother was not just a number in the statistics,“ warns the User.

many reached this message, if possible, calls the English, in addition to share your Post – more than 147,000 people have done so by now.

“stay inside, keep your distance and if you are working in system-related Professions, such as my friends who work in the school: will meet all the necessary protection measures,” warns the English in a second Post, and would like to thank all those Davids have a shared history already. As an Alzheimer’s patient to the 66. Day of the wedding, sees her husband, a miracle happens PCP As an Alzheimer’s patient to the 66. Day of the wedding, sees her husband, a miracle happens
