Data of hundreds of millions of users of popular social network was leaked

Data from more than 267 million Facebook users leaked online. Personal information of users of the popular social network has put up for sale on the darknet and hacking forums. As reported by BleepingComputer, cyber criminals are going to get for them of not less than 500 pounds (47,5 thousand rubles at the current exchange rate).

In the available for purchase the users profiles do not contain passwords, but there are a lot of personal information of people to allow potential data holders to conduct cyber attacks on users via SMS messages with the aim to gain control over the account. Such texts can contain a link that requires a password replacement in the social network, ostensibly to improve security.

According to cybersecurity expert Bob Dyachenko (Bob Diachenko), the base was on the Elasticsearch website, but most users to assemble were from the United States. Of the personal information was provided full names, telephone numbers and unique for each user Facebook ID.

the Company Cyble later found the database of the social network is already available. Bina Arora (Beenu Arora), head of the firm specializing in network security, announced that they bought out all the data in order to prevent them from falling into the hands of hackers. While IT startups are unable to determine exactly how the hackers managed to obtain this amount of user data.

Earlier, a researcher on cyber security Amol Baykar (Amol Baikar) found on the social network Facebook the vulnerability with which it is possible to carry out hacking any account. According to him, the problem contains the functions to login via Facebook using the OAuth 2.0 authorization Protocol.