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– Covid-19 is not just a lung disease. It can affect the heart, liver, kidneys, brain, hormonproduserende glands and blood circulation, ” says cardiologist Harlan Krumholtz at Yale University to the Los Angeles Times.

the World over are doctors about to discover a number of senskader in patients who have been sick with covid-19.

In China, scientists have found that several parts of the body to koronapasienter was weakened after the patient was had.

Especially let the scientists noticed that liver function with friskmeldte the patients was not the same as before. Also heart failure was common in many.

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Photos with permission from Molecular Memory

Will map senskader

At the Akershus university hospital planned a study that will map senskader at koronapasienter.

the Researchers will check both those who have been in the respirator, and those who do not have it. They will take x-rays and measure the lung capacity.

Assistant director, Espen Rostrup Nakstad.

Photo: Heiko Junge / Heiko Junge

Many people who have been hospitalized with covid-19 in Norway is already incorporated in research studies. There is a researchers also on the long-term effects and immunity.

Beyond this is the follow-up of them equal to that of all other printed patients:

They will be followed up in the usual way by your gp and primary care, says deputy director Espen Rostrup Nakstad.

Nakstad have no specific advice regarding the late effects friskmeldte patients should be on guard against.

– One may be aware that it may take some time to get all the way to the hook. Maybe you need a little more rest than you thought.


the Doctors wonder now if they have underestimated koronavirusets-term adverse effects when even those without breathing problems experiencing heart failure.

Heart weaken when the lungs are unable to take up enough oxygen. In the worst case, it fails completely.

Although the heart can regain much of their strength with medicines and changed lifestyle, believe the scientists that the virus will create a lot of chronic cardiac patients.

the Chinese tracking have discovered that 12 per cent of the patients they examined, including patients without respiratory symptoms, experienced heart failure. Another chinese study describes the formation of life threatening blood clots in seriously ill koronapasienter. Scientists fear the condition may persist even after friskmelding.

HJERTEMONITOR: Oxygen deficiency can weaken the heart, also in the long term.

Photo: Lungetrøbbel in a long time

It is already known that koronapasienter, which has been in a respirator encounter problems with lung capacity afterwards.

30 percent can get long-term lung problems, estimate doctor Saad Aballi at the Hospital Østfold opposite VG.

Also, the experiences from Princess Margaret Hospital in hong Kong shows diminished lung capacity in printed koronapasienter.

However, a challenge arises when researchers will monitor the senskadene after covid-19:

Patients with diseases that affect the heart, liver, blood and lungs have a higher risk for becoming seriously ill by covid-19. It makes it difficult to distinguish between senskader and the problems in the first place made the patient so sick.

DAMAGES the LUNGS: the Lungs with Covid 19-infection

Photo: Science Photo Library a Lot we don’t know

There are none that have lived long after having been koronasmittet. It is only three months since the first infected was fresh in China.

And so far the doctors have been more concerned to treat acutely ill than to monitor senskader.

More questions popping up in the watch, after koronapandemien: the virus Can lie dormant in the body for years, then flare up again in the new edition?

this would not be the first time.

After chickenpox can herpesviruset hide in the body for decades, only to emerge once again as the painful disease shingles.

And the virus that causes hepatitis B can lead to liver cancer several years later. While the virus behind ebolaepidemien in West Africa later have attacked the eyes of the patient and done more people who are blind or have low vision.

More about koronaviruset StatusRåd and infoØkonomiSpør NRK Status NorgeSist updated: 13.04.20206516Smittet203Innlagt134Dødestatus for Norway