Hardly an issue around Corona is currently debated, such as the Wearing of a face mask. In Austria, the mask duty in super markets and public transport is not considered since recently, in Germany for the time being – the exception of the city of Jena is, the citizens should also contribute to the shopping and Public transport masks. (Read here how you in times of Corona at the best of your Laundry)

But what other masks are there? Here is a short Overview:

1. FFP-masks

These industrially-made masks are available in three protection classes, with and without valve. Masks without valve, a filter, and the exhaled air, and therefore provide both Equity and debt protection. Masks with valve filters, however, only the inhaled air and therefore provide no external protection.

The “FFP” stands for “filtering face piece”. Have been developed these masks for work areas where fine dust particles and aerosols arise which can irritate the respiratory tract. Prior to that, the particle filter is to protect the ends of the FFP-masks.

FFP1 mask: they offer within the FFP-masks the least protection and are thus only used if the inhalation leads to the development of the diseases of the respiratory tract irritation, and an odor can be very stressful. The total leakage, so what can get despite Wearing the masks of particles in the respiratory tract, may not exceed 25 percent. Respirator of protection class FFP1 filters at least 80% of airborne particles up to a size of 0.6 microns. In the construction industry or in the food industry, respirators class FFP1 are usually sufficient. (Do you wear glasses? So you have to wear a mask without the goggles fogging up)

FFP2 masks: respiratory protection mask protection class FFP2 suitable for work environments in which health-damaging and mutagenic substances in the breathing air. You must absorb 94 percent of airborne particles up to a size of 0.6 microns. Be used respiratory protection mask protection class FFP2 for example, in the metal industry or in the mining industry. FFP2 masks do not already meet the medical Standard for dealing with infected patients, one-hundred-percent protection, you offer but.

FFP3 masks: In dealing with carcinogenic or radioactive materials and pathogens, such as viruses, bacteria and fungal spores, the use of a FFP3 mask is recommended. Because the respirator protection class FFP3 offering the most protection from breathing air pollution. With a total leakage of a maximum of 5 percent and a protection of at least 99 percent of particles up to a size of 0.6 µm, they are able to toxic, carcinogenic, and to filter radioactive particles and even viruses. Be used, for example, in the chemical industry.

2. OP-masks

The us from hospitals familiar, also industrially manufactured surgical masks are a so-called mouth-nose protection. You not mainly provide a certain degree of foreign protection, protect the wearer from a possible infection but people in his surroundings. The reason for this is purely mechanical: As the nose and mouth are covered, to remain on the Exhale, Speak, Sneeze, or cough outcasts larger droplets in the Mouth guard hanging out. The classic surgical masks are usually disposable masks, made of fine non – woven or cellulose. (Dangerous: Why you should shave in times of Corona your Beard)

3. DIY mouth-nose protection

more and more people rely on self-made mouth-nose protection. On the Internet, many hand-made copies that you can buy, but also instructions for sewing or Crafts are to be found. The masks are made of solid material (made, for example, cotton), they are usually washable and therefore reusable. They protect, such as surgical masks, not the support but the fellow in front of a possible infection. (Also interesting: disinfectants and protective clothing instead of High Fashion: How fashion Labels Corona

combat arts and crafts) Here is a tutorial for yourself:

Professor Drosten has shared on Twitter a guide to help you easy to a mouth-nose protection can Tinker with:

And here, again in  

masks are currently a scarce commodity

The experts agree: As in the current crisis, FFP-masks, and even simple surgical masks are in short supply, you should be medical personnel and people who just need to have much contact to other people, reserved. Thus, the epidemiologist and virologist Professor Dr. Alexander Kekulé in the MDR Podcast “Kekulés Corona-compass said,” that makes sense, for “the people, the tasks, in which they automatically come into contact with others, such as cashiers or taxi drivers, or at least a simple OP-mouth protection.” (Also interesting: “Have me broken down at night, the room”: Why pharmacists are doubly important)

you, in spite of the mask, the recommended safety distance

When shopping in the supermarket and in public transport – everywhere where there is compliance with the Minimum distance of 1.5 to 2 meters is not always possible, be advisable for a simpler, best home-made Mouth guard, he adds in the Podcast: “Everything in the mouth and the nose, can serve as a simple protection, so you can take a normal rectangular cloth and in Cowboy-style over nose and mouth bind. The other people protects first and foremost against their own droplets.“

Kekulé in the MDR-Podcast more: “but That’s only a small measure of many, and of course, no reason to not comply with then the distance of two meters the other.” (Also interesting: So you cut a short hairstyle at home)

masks: protection for your fellow human beings

Similarly, to assess the Situation, Professor Dr. Christian Drosten, head of the Institute for Virology at the Charité hospital in Berlin. He said in the NDR Podcast “Coronavirus-Update”: “With a self-made mouth-nose protection you can’t protect yourself, but others. You can also be contagious without symptoms, to know without it. This also works with a simple scarf or a cloth that covered the mouth and nose, how to wear it, for example while Jogging. So I feel I have to wear it as a gesture of courtesy, for example, in the supermarket such a mask.“

And also the Robert-Koch Institute, in the press conference of 3. April 2020 explains his recommendations with respect to the mask wearing. The head of the Institute, Dr. Lothar Wieler, said: “The FFP-masks must be left to the medical personnel. Fabric masks could be doing to help others to protect, but they do not help the mask to protect the carrier itself.“ He warns: “you should never weigh yourself with such a mask in a false sense of security, it is the distance requirement and the compliance with other important measures such as regular hand applies just the same to wash.” (More: The mask – only protection, and soon to be a Trend?)

This article was written by (Eva Stammberger)

*The post “Corona: What is the mask really makes sense?” will be released by GQ. Contact with the executives here.