“The BKA rating of the fact, as clearly a right-wing extremist. The Commission of the Offence was based on racist motives,” wrote Munch, on Tuesday on Twitter.

media: Tobias R. not typical of extreme right –

WDR, NDR and the “Süddeutsche Zeitung” had reported, among other things, that the BKA investigators considered the fact different now. Tobias R. had not undergone any typical right-wing extremism, and racism had not been the dominant aspect of his belief. He had selected his victims, rather, in order to gain maximum attention for his conspiracy theories about intelligence services.

R. on 19. February shot in the Hessian town of Hanau, nine people with foreign roots. Later, the 43-Year-old and his mother were found dead in their apartment. R. had spread on the Internet, abstruse thoughts, and racist views.

Where is Coronavirus? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease, FOCUS Online/Wochit Where is Coronavirus? Real-time map showing the spread of the disease
