now On Facebook introduced to Bart De Wever (N-VA), the last days of the campaign with a sponsored post, in which he found himself upon the breast-beating that the people that are to rest on a park bench is not going to punish them. However, it says it’s a crisis center that rest on a park bench is not permitted.

Almost 100 000 times, she was featured on Facebook for the past couple of days, mainly to people over 45 years old: an ad by Bart De Wever, who says that he – as mayor of the city of Antwerp is not going to let them levy a fine that is sitting on a bench. “A rest on a bench on forbidden? Sorry, I’m not going to survive. Weaver made the statement Tuesday in the Morning on Radio 1 and there was a couple of hundred dollars for it and have it between Thursday and Saturday to promote it on Facebook. “As a matter of common sense”, says the accompanying text in the ad.

finally, there is the burgomaster of Antwerp, in accordance with the emergency operations centre. That will require sitting on a bench at the moment but definitely out of bounds. “We have to do in order to ensure that the meetings are going to organize it,” said mr. Yves Stevens, spokesman for the emergency operations centre, to do that. “A bench invites you to sit down. It only takes one person to not be evil, but if we do it with a group of people get together, the social distance is not respected.”

in the Meantime, is offline.

as of Sunday, a sponsored post is off-line. As a result of the criticism on social media for the past couple of days? “We are working with a short-running advertising to get a message to you to stress”, says the spokesman of The Truth. “We are looking for is not a lot of discussion, and try to strictly follow the rules and to enforce them. However, We will not get a ticket to give to someone who is just a couch potato. Because of that, the absurd fines, refuse to support it.” – However, that is not the door ajar for the impunity of perpetrators, which is why The Truth. “In Antwerp to maintain the priorities set by law as indicated include: social distancing, and due to environmental factors. Therefore, there are significantly more police and municipal supervision in the streets.”

SEE ALSO IS. Bart De Wever makes a call during the easter weekend, with good weather, “If you will, to respect two basic rules,”

Sharp responses.

you can include Green Kamerfractieleider President of the Council, was, not to mention in the ad of The Truth. “While other parties, in spite of the differences, to try to build public support for the fight against corona, then to The European euro for advertisements on local regulations. I would much rather have that back together in time to be able to go on, but you don’t do this,” said the Council. Other politicians, such as the CD&V’s’there’s Sammy Mahdi, and SPANISH.A Member of parliament, Ben Segers, showed up on Twitter and focus for the advertisement of The Truth.

in the Meantime, does Bart De Wever, on Twitter, or a phone call in order to “keep up”. “Don’t come together in a group and keep a distance from each other. If we come to it”, what it sounds like.
More about the N-VA to 3,000 euro for those sales, 60 percent places that recycle on the 7th of april to re-open minister of Finance, Matthias Diependaele (N-VA): “to be Unacceptable, that is no reason for the extra charge” Egbert Lachaert (Open VLD) is responding to objections, Theo Francken (N-VA): “No one now has the need for a political game