Austria is left as the one of the first countries in the coronateugels soon to be a bit of a celebration. It’s success stands or falls with the willingness among the people to use the app ‘Stop Points to be used. The app lets you know if someone you meet who is infected.

Austria was on the 16th of march all the way to lock. Only a trip to the grocery store and the once-a-day is a breath of fresh air continued to be allowed. Reservists are patrolling the streets. The moment seems to be successful as the country had, so far, only 273 people died.

See also Austria is the first country in Europe to measures afbouwt. The strategy, a lot of masks to Stop the Corona

Two weeks ago, the Austrian Red Cross is the app to ‘Stop Points are off. In the meantime, have 287.000 people and the app has been installed. It is expected that many users will recover as soon as public life in a start-up.In the spring of wishes to the government and the people, after all, slow the freedom to give back.

Chancellor, Sebastian Kurz (ÖVP), announced on Monday, as a goal, that is, small shops, do-it-yourself, business, and retail garden centers keep their doors since the 14th of april, again in may, as they have strict hygiene standards. As of may 1, all shops, shopping centres and hairdressers to re-open to the hotels and restaurants that would be at the earliest the middle of may following. The strategy for doing so? A lot of surgical masks. They’re already in grocery stores and pharmacies are required, and be available in the shops and on public transport.

‘And Stop Points, and plays a major role in this. The app should notify me if they have had contact with someone who is infected. Anyone who tests positive on a corona through the app. Any user who, in the 48 hours prior to the infection have been in contact with the person will get a notification through the server of the Red Cross (icrc). The idea is that they are quarantined because they may also have been infected, or they may be the source of without even knowing it. An out of control outbreak should be avoided.

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