Hollywood blockbusters with detailed accuracy describe, as at the time of successful entrepreneurs, the criminals were forced to sell their businesses under the threat of physical destruction intractable. The paradox is that these same mafia techniques, which fought against the us government, today, though at a higher level and more sophisticated implements the White house with the full support of both houses of Congress. If you do not go into the details, schematically, the situation around the Tik Tok as follows. There is a Chinese company whose market value reaches $ 100 billion, which works successfully in the sphere of high technologies, and is popular among Americans. According to various estimates, the number of users of Tik Tok in the US reaches 65-80 million people. But at the sight of this success, several paranoid-minded congressional Republicans had a suspicion that Beijing could use Chinese social network for interference in the presidential election. What they did not hesitate to inform trump.

the head of the White house began to play the “business acumen”, he immediately calculated, first, how much money can the US budget, if a Chinese company buys one of the American IT giants, it is desirable loyal Trump. Second, the rise his own rating in the eyes of voters if he will look like a “tough guy” who took a successful business in Beijing under the pretext of protecting US national security.

For the implementation of these plans is nothing outstanding Trump to take was not necessary. On the way from Florida to Washington, the head of the White house on the plane just told reporters that ban the use of Tik Tok on American territory by decree. The President cited a win-win from his point of view, the argument that Chinese social media can be used to collect information about American citizens. Specific facts trump, of course, failed, but in a deployed in-country anti-Chinese hysteria all believed him. The attempt ByteDance to prove that they do not convey anything to anyone, was doomed to failure.

Though trump initially claimed that opposes the purchase of Tik Tok by an American company, it was later revealed that it was a lie. Further steps showed that the President knew in advance about the difficult negotiations that led American business about buying Chinese apps. And defiantly used administrative arm to help her. Trump demanded that the assets of the Tik Tok in the USA, Canada, Australia and New Zealand was sold to the main candidate for the purchase of the company “Microsoft”. Talk about this deal with the management of the IT giant trump called “great”. And advised Microsoft not SKget drunk and buy the whole Tik Tok, “because it’s easier” than buying 30 percent. Well, if the Chinese side will not hear an ultimatum from Washington, the US President outlined a date of about September 15, after which the application will be banned in America because of security reasons. Such is the “sleight of hand and no moshenstva”, as would say heroes of the Soviet film, 1931 “road to life”. However, there it was on hunted looting gang of street children.

In 1825, the U.S. government adopted the Doctrine of discovery, according to which land ownership was the colonist who allegedly opened. Traditionally lived on these lands of the Indians at first de jure, these lands were deprived, and in 5 years for reasons of national security and all of them were evicted. In 2017 the US authorities, again citing national security, has deprived Russia of three diplomatic facilities in San Francisco, Washington and new York.

Naked RAID against foreign ownership, which is headed by the head of the American state, is not, in American society the slightest protest, in contrast, is the norm. To justify committed against Chinese companies looting the White house and Congress had the suspicion that Tik Tok “falls under the laws of the Communist party of China, which may require the transfer of information to the government”. Counter statement of the Chinese foreign Ministry that the White house “covers unfair competition to the interests of national security” trump indifferently ignored.