Livsstilsekspert Anne Glads motionsrutiner has never come back after giving birth, but her 2-year-old son makes sure that she moves plenty.

What is health for you – physically and mentally?
“I am in daily dialogue with my body. And health is a sense of physical ease along with a good bandwidth on the top floor. In order to remain in the state I have to live reasonably straight in the everyday life with good sleep, good diet and not too many stimulants like alcohol and coffee.

“In the ears sounds it probably røvsygt, but the prize is obvious, and I’m enjoying really my everyday life just as much as weekendernes party. Many weekends I work also, and then run it after the everyday precepts.”

How do you keep yourself in shape?
“I’m still not back in my old motionsrutiner after the birth, but I don’t wanna beat myself in the head over it. It is just the conditions right now. In turn, my son, pt. my personal trainer, and we play hockey and football, crawling like tigers and jump like frogs in an endless loop. I am rarely down, before he falls asleep at. 22. And so do I, as I have always done; choose the bike, the stairs and the walk, when I can.”

What are your challenges in relation to health?
“Time. I have had a long luxury living, without children, where I easily could sneak in 3-4 training sessions into a week, while at the same time I gave the gas with his career. The priority now I am to be with my son and my husband instead of work out. It does not hold in the long run, but I imagine also that it is a short period of time, our son has to want to be so much with us.”

How do you give yourself the best start to the day?
“By putting the alarm clock – especially if I actually get up when it rings. What do I need in principle not the days when I’m NOT on the recording or to keep the early lectures. But when I have just a half or full hour ahead of the rest of the family, so it is much easier to achieve profits.”

What you always have in your kitchen?
“Organic vegetables, eggs, oatmeal and yogurt. Meat buyer I also organic (with the exception of my son’s yndlingsleverpostej from the local butcher). I buy any of the things that my grandmother also could get. It’s about not eating too many processed foods, and to give priority to products which are produced nearby.”

published in cooperation with Alt for Damerne.