that day Sergey Yuryev dinner in his house in the village Churchyard, when he ran his nine year old son Nikita: “At the lake someone is calling for help!”. The policeman immediately rushed there by car. It turned out the boat with three fishermen began to sink.

By that time protruded from the water, only her nose, and people were already in the water, kept from last forces. The policeman jumped into the boat-the cauldron and headed for distress. Brought all to the shore, and then drove home. “In the water, the fishermen were inexperienced: the three of us stood on one side of the boat, – said Sergey Yuriev.The district is in Kenozerie a quarter of a century, and during that time became really popular. Its plot – 35 villages in Plesetsk district of Pomerania, on the territory of the national Park “Kenozersky”. In every area it had long considered their own and just that – call for help.

by Order of the Minister of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation for the rescue of drowning Yuri was appropriated the next special rank on one step above provided on a post.