Zutendaal is The friend of Isaura Castermans, who on Friday died from the corona virus can also be concluded for some time of the disease. The man is now recovering. This is conrmed by the parents of Isaura. “He is not allowed on Friday’s a funeral to attend”, you hear the sound of the sigh. Your cookie settings to make sure that the content is not displayed.
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Isaura Castermans (30) days of Zutendaal was on Tuesday of last week suffering from a cold. On Thursday fell on their home in one another after the virus and her heart skipped a beat. Her best friend, and a moment later, the mugarts were in vain, reanimatiepogingen. In the meantime, it appears that her boyfriend, Sauro, Would also have to be infected with the virus, it is possible, as long as all of Isaura. In the meantime, he is recovering. As it was feared that he of the a funeral was not allowed to attend, but only after extensive consultation with the funeral director turns out that it is now possible to.
“on Thursday, there will be a parting, and there it is,” says the mother of Isaura. “This Friday is the funeral, and that he may be present. It remains, however, that we are not more than twenty persons are permitted to be present.”
all The parents, Isaura and have the funeral expenses to be fully self-regulated, in consultation with the funeral director. “He will not be able to take control in a face-to-face, but by phone, he was there every time. In that way, he needs to transfer.”