Cambodian archaeologists have discovered a large centuries-old statue of a turtle in the course of excavations, which are held these days in the famous temple complex of Angkor in the North-West of the country.

As reported the find was made in Siem reap province in Northwest Cambodia. Archaeologists conducted excavations in the area of Angkor, known as the AKDN Srang. This place was home to several sacred water bodies.

one of them was found a surprisingly large and well-preserved stone statue of a turtle. Its length is 93 cm and the width is 56 inches. Archaeologists have tentatively dated this sculpture of the X century ad.

In the place where it was discovered, previously housed a small temple. By the way, during the excavation was able to determine its precise location and layout.

According to scientists, many centuries stone turtle disappeared under water. Found it only after archaeologists working drained the land for excavation.

the Statue was deeply embedded in the ground. The researchers took several days to clean her up and lifted without damage. Next to it was also discovered a few other rare artifacts, including two metal of the Trident and head from a statue of a Naga – a mythical snake-like creatures.

Scientists do not hasten to explain the purpose of the giant stone turtle. In some Asian cultures they are seen as symbols of longevity and prosperity.

it is Known that Angkor was under the strong influence of Hindu culture. When there was erected another temple or other important building, the sacred objects were often buried in the ground under them. It was a kind of guardian, which was supposed to bring good luck and protect the sanctuary from various threats.