On Twitter, type the police that there is no evidence that death has occurred as a result of an accident.

They are on the premises and make surveys, they write on Twitter.

To TV 2 says operasjonsleder Jannicke Silseth Eide that there is no sign of collision.

– He was part of a scooterfølge of two people with a little distance, so we were contacted quickly by the other party, ” says Eide.

Sunday came the message about a possible snow scooter accident which occurred in Porsangermoen in Porsanger. The police responded together with legebil from Banak.

There was made a discovery of a snowmobile in the vicinity of the snøscooterløypen.

We are conducting the interrogation of the person who called in, ” says operasjonslederen to TV 2.

According to the TV 2 is not next of kin notified.

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