Studies with colleagues from Russia, our compatriot Igor Esau now working in the centre for climate research in Bergen, Norway. He is the coordinator of the Belmont forum – a partnership of scientists that monitors changes in the environment, and employee is created by academician Vladimir Melnikov, the international centre Cryology and crisafi Institute X-BIO Tyumen state University. Correspondent “RG” asked experts to explain the reasons for the formation of “heat Islands” and how to prevent their negative consequences.

Igor Esau: the Difference of temperatures in calm weather in the Russian Arctic could reach, as we see from observations, 5-6 degrees. The adverse impact of urban microclimate on the foundations becomes apparent only decades later, when heeling, cracked building to save sometimes impossible. The trouble is that at the time, the builders were guided by the SNiP, where the landmark served as the background temperature of the surrounding area, they did not provide natural heating of residential and industrial areas.

the Problem of “Islands of warmth” felt in Canada and Greenland, and the United States. For example, the Alaskan village on the ocean with a population of several thousand people actually solved to rebuild – in some distance from the existing “fix” is not to be. Need universal software monitoring, the search for optimal ways to correct mistakes.

where people frost not eternal?

Vladimir Melnikov: would Be appropriate to remind you that my father, academician Pavel Ivanovich Melnikov, introduced the method of construction of buildings on pile foundations with a ventilated underground – open space between the bottom floor and the ground. Thus in Norilsk under the supervision of scientists embarked on massive housing construction. Then the academician Melnikov has formed a service here on the observation of the “behaviour” of frozen soils and has repeatedly stressed its vital importance for the city. After a time, the service eliminated. Apparently, due to “uneconomical”. Underground – probably, for non-esthetic appearance – steel cover shields. As a result, the temperature of the soil began to rise, went uncontrolled process of degradation of permafrost, many houses were in the zone of destruction.

the Effect of “heat Islands” makes itself felt in other polar cities. Designers, it would seem, take into account all parameters: the temperature on the surface and deep soil bases, their composition and strength characteristics. However, the factor of safety for pile field in case of change in temperature is not provided. The regulations do not require backup in this case, and without it, as you can see, not enough. Yes, climate risks ��Stroitelnye spending will increase, but the other is not given.

is There an reliable technological tools for podborski melted soils under the buildings, to strengthen the base of the Foundation? Question. In Salekhard, where the local authorities are concerned about the sustainability of one of the old buildings, will have to experience the way of inclined installation of the system of accumulation and circulation of cold, “hood” of heat. However, all of the buildings that was on the verge of destruction, expensive technical operations will not be saved. You should take care of prevention. My colleague is absolutely right about the all-inclusive monitoring and data analysis.

Igor Esau: When you hear the sentence “fundamentally solve” the problems of Northern cities by rejecting them in favor of rotational labor organization, I am perplexed. To produce oil, gas in this way – Yes. But shift the Norilsk complex ore mining and processing – this will agree, is something unimaginable, unreasonable. NSR, Northern sea route, which today make a big bet, requires a strong onshore infrastructure. Port enable staff – right? I think not. For Russia, the question of the Northern territories is still relevant. The mistakes of past decades is not a reason for escape, it will only aggravate the problem. Arctic city, I guess, waiting is not a disaster, to a certain extent it has already occurred with the collapse of the Soviet Union, a gradual transition to sustainable development. With knowledge the creatures of a harsh nature, its variability. By the way, in the Arctic, as global experience shows, popular and thriving city with research and University centers.

Policy business needs to consider scenarios of development of events on the basis of hoarding knowledge about global warming. There is no reason to anticipate its cessation, in the present century. Inevitably, the rise in sea level, part of coastal areas, including on the North side of Eurasia, covering with all the ensuing consequences. Usually as a great blessing – from the perspective of navigation – refers to the melting of ice in the Arctic. But there will often be a storm. And by the way, SMP can be claimed for transit to the Atlantic, if you will open a direct route over the North pole.

unfortunately, the apparent diversity of research projects on the study of the Arctic they are, as a rule, not large-scale, chronic underfunding of research is going slowly, as more and more demand for precocious “practical insights”. This tactic can be costly in the future.

Vladimir Melnikov: Often there is a disregard for the elementary rules of “conduct” in a cold world. Photos, videos emergency Norilsk tank and surrounding it shocked me appearance. Sorry white paint – rusty capacity. H��on is unacceptable, because dark objects attract heat from the sun.

On the Gydan Peninsula far beyond the Arctic circle in 2016 there was an unprecedented phenomenon micromechanism. Usually there prodavala tundra 50 centimeters, but the hot summer has reached 60, to a layer of peat humus. In this methane in a frozen state rested. And then he rushed to the surface, scattering pieces of peat 2-3 meters from the exit point. The surface is more heated and turned into a boiling mass. 10 inches was good enough for “the revolution”!

of Course, I could not imagine this “fantastic” picture of my father in the mid 40-ies, when invented blown pile foundations, when ended with another short-term climatic cycle. On change to it came warm, it should, in theory, are completed, but until we see clear signs of this. And once again convinced that the permafrost is not eternal. It comes and goes. Unlike a comprehensive cryosphere, which regulates all the processes on our planet and in space. The cold is everywhere, without it, life is unthinkable. Permafrost in the space of the cryosphere are just a tiny particle.