a Group of terrorists under the leadership of Shamil Basayev 14 June 1995, entered Budennovsk, Stavropol territory, seized the building of the hospital, which according to various estimates there were between 1,200 and 2,000 hostages. Russian President Boris Yeltsin flew to Canada for a summit of the big eight. Journalists caught him at the airport: he said that he constantly report on the situation. He added that he was doubtful whether to go to him, but decided that would raise the question of combating terrorism at the international level.

From holiday called Prime Minister Chernomyrdin. Seeking implementation of their demands (“to Cease hostilities in Chechnya and withdraw Federal troops”), Basayev began to shoot people. Country for the first time in its history, faced with a campaign of terrorism. Chernomyrdin made an official statement on the radio: “the Government will ensure an immediate cease-fire in Chechnya. After the release (of the hostages) Basayev and his men will certainly be provided transport and escort.”

It was an unprecedented step guarantees to the terrorists. The power unit was criticized Chernomyrdin, believing that we must act only by a storm, to prevent new attacks.

However, the security forces insisted on a military operation. Losses suffered and terrorists, and hostages, and the soldiers of “alpha”. Then Chernomyrdin personally called Basayev. The content of most of this conversation is classified. The Museum Chernomyrdin in village the Black Spur of the Orenburg region shows a 20-minute segment of the negotiations. Widely known only dialogue live, memorable phrase: “Shamil Basayev, speak louder.”

the Museum has preserved the memories of Viktor Chernomyrdin: “He didn’t believe that I’m the one talking to him. I was ordered to invite the TV crew to see who with him talks. And how it then was called, I entered some image that it is unbecoming for a head of government to negotiate with terrorists, and even in the eyes of the world. Now this notorious political image I didn’t care. I had a main goal – to save people. Point.”

At the same time Chernomyrdin openly told Basayev that “you still won’t release, but people will get hurt”. What Basayev said: “We know we bombers. This is a tragedy for you, for us, the tragedy no.”

In the end managed to negotiate the release of hostages, and then all in exchange for the right of free travel of terrorists in Chechnya.

However, still remain unanswered many questions. 160 heavily armed militants managed uncontrollably to drive 50 posts and be in Budennovsk? Then the bandits whom the security services were planning to destroy the road, managed to disappear? After all, they supplied the buses supplied bugs and mines. The whole way the column temperature��was vojdani helicopters.

“there was a good possibility with small losses to defeat the terrorists, to conduct a special operation to destroy a band “on the March” – wrote in his memoirs Chernomyrdin. – Why didn’t you? That was a failure.”

Soon after the operation, President Yeltsin dismissed the power unit – the head of the Ministry of internal Affairs Victor Erin, Director of FSB Sergey Stepashin, Minister for nationalities and regional policy Nikolai Egorov. But the question Chernomyrdin, why not destroy a gang of terrorists “on the March” remains open.

Just in Budennovsk 129 people were killed, 415 wounded. Managed to prevent thousands of victims. The terrorists stormed the hospital, killed in two wars in Chechnya, part of serving a prison sentence, the part is searched for.