Now even people with mild symptoms of a cold should observe strict quarantine , even if COVID-19 is not confirmed. This is the right tactic?

Vadim Pokrovsky: Yes, it’s completely understandable measure. Isolation measures effective against any disease that is transmitted by airborne droplets. That is almost all respiratory diseases, including coronavirus infection.

Why you want to isolate? First, if a person has symptoms of acute respiratory disease, it is possible that this coronavirus. Yet put analysis as long as you bring results, and all this time people will spread coronavirus infection. Second, at the same time will be less than other respiratory infections to spread, in particular seasonal flu. So this is quite a reasonable measure.

of Course, people with symptoms of acute respiratory disease you should try not to infect others, including loved ones. If you have symptoms of ARI, it is necessary to wear a mask and minimize contact. At this stage it will make a contribution to reducing the spread of coronavirus.

a lot of cases, when people feel a cold, fever, sore throat, head. In normal times no one would have worried, but now people are nervous: suddenly COVID? Therapists at the reception they say that many a psychosis, they find the symptoms of COVID, where it is not. Man can he objectively evaluate his condition – when he needs a doctor?

Vadim Pokrovsky: One of the first signs that should alert – shortness of breath, the feeling when there is a lack of air. But this, incidentally, is one of the main symptoms of hysterical reaction. Another similar symptom is “a change of smell and taste.” We have a lot of insecure people who listen to themselves and find themselves in the “right” symptom “pointing” to the disease, even if objectively they are healthy. Therefore, we can only urge that we should try to calm down and assess their condition objectively.

it is Clear that overloading the “fast” about challenges is not worth it. But, on the other hand, we are told the disease is insidious, the condition can rapidly deteriorate and begin treatment as soon as possible. What symptoms indicate that a call to the doctor is necessary?

Vadim Pokrovsky: If severe cough, high fever, signs of intoxication – pains, – all this, of course, a reason to go to the doctor. If temperature above 38-38,5 and, moreover, there is a tendency to increase is an unfavorable symptom, need a doctor’s help. And the temperature is 37,1 – 37,5 it can be purely emotional nature.

Now people have no symptoms have the ability to call the courier and to take a paid test at COVID. Has it sense or not?

Vadim Pokrovsky: If it’ll calm you down and you don’t mind paying for that peace of mind – of course, do. Many wanted to ensure that is not contaminated by planning, for example, joint departure to the country of their parents or children living separately. While the epidemic is in full swing, of course, it would be better to adhere to a strict isolation.

If you have a cold, but no alarming symptoms, how to treat?

Vadim Pokrovsky: first, drinking plenty of fluids is the General recommendation for all, as in any viral infection is caused intoxication, and plenty of fluids helps remove toxins from the body. Tea with lemon and raspberries, cranberry juice with cranberries and currants, brewed with rose hips – it’s all good. You can take vitamin C, try to eat foods that contain vitamins – vegetables, fruits, citrus. Despite the fact that the appetite during illness is bad, try to eat a healthy diet, so as not to weaken the body.

of Course, it is important to take precautions not to infect others: to wear a mask, if possible, be located in a separate room.

MoH has released several interim recommendations for the treatment of COVID. And although it stresses that drugs with proven efficacy against COVID-19 there is, nevertheless, a number of medicines called. And many are beginning to take the pill “just in case”.

Vadim Pokrovsky: Drugs, which are now used against COVID-19, are used for the treatment of HIV infection or malaria, they should be used strictly on prescription and under the supervision of a physician. As for the others, immunomodulators, frankly, from the point of view of evidence-based medicine sufficient evidence of their effectiveness no. But for many people, these drugs have a good placebo effect. That is, when a person takes them, he’s getting better. Therefore, it is also lies in the field of psychology.

it is Important to remember that no drugs, harmless to the body.

Recover from COVID say that even the almost complete absence of symptoms and good health CT showed they have changes in the lungs. Is it dangerous? Maybe now we need to do a CT scan all the people with the flu?

Vadim Pokrovsky: Yes, these cases really are. But, by the way, with the usual respiratory infections, it may also have lung function, just at the initial stage of SARS computed tomography never did. Therefore, in order to avoid over-diagnosis, we must first focus on health. If the person feels OK – why do x-ray or CT scan? This is because unnecessary radiation dose. But if the condition worsened, the study is necessary to identify the lung involvement.

After the disappearance of symptoms, the person remains contagious for another 14 days

That is, human��ka, who is recovering at home, there is a set of actions: call the local doctor, urgent care (on-call doctor from the clinic), or – with a sharp deterioration in state – ambulance.

How to stay home and take precautions after recovery, if the person does not know, he was just a cold or is he still moved COVID?

Vadim Pokrovsky: I Think we should focus on recommendations for patients who recover from coronavirus infection. Even after complete disappearance of symptoms a person may continue to be dangerous to others within 14 days. Therefore, it is necessary to focus on continued isolation for another two weeks.