Belarusian president says that the coronavirus can be controlled by to drink vodka and go in the sauna.

A representative for the WHO in an appeal to the authorities in Belarus, called on the country to take a number of steps to prevent coronasmitte.

It is happening at a time where there is evidence of a disturbing increase in the number of smittetilfælde. Belarus has until now registered 2226 cases of coronavirussmitte. 23 persons have died with the disease.

Patrick O’connor, who has led a WHO delegation in Belarus this week, says that the virus is becoming widespread in society, in particular the capital, Minsk, and in other parts of the country.

Belarus is entering a new phase with regard to coronavirusudbruddet, says O’connor, who on Saturday held a press conference in Minsk.

He adds that the world health organisation recommends that the authorities introduce provisions for everyone to keep a physical distance to each other, and that certain groups must be protected by insulation. In addition, it introduces the test and opsporinger of contaminants.

Belarusian president, Alexander Lukashenko, who has maintained an iron grip on power in the country since 1994, has repeatedly made fun of other countries that have implemented comprehensive measures against the pandemic.

Lukashenko has said that the coronavirus can be combated by drinking vodka, driving the tractor or go in the sauna.

The former soviet republic, which has 9.5 million inhabitants, is the only european country that executes football matches at the highest level with the spectators on the battens.
