seemingly minor, but actually the volunteers are pretty tired of in five weeks of hard work, it’s important to feel attention.

– It is valuable to understand that volunteers also care and want them to encourage and cheer, – says the coordinator of the Milan Chanysheva. – Many companies and sponsors see the incredible efforts of the volunteers and their vast hearts, so thank them that way. It is a recognition.

on may 1, volunteers met in the normal operation mode, completing the application for purchase of food and medicine, and pensioners free sets. Today I all day joined corresponce. It’s pretty optimistic lesson: it is necessary to come to the warehouse to load the truck with heavy packages of food and household cleaning products, take a list of addresses and forward to give gifts and accept of gratitude.

the recipient List is generated from two sources: the database of social services (there are mostly older people with a minimum pension) and the appeals to the hotline of the Foundation of food “Rus”. I get a list of the latter category. Those who consists on the account as needing, but now we are forced to ask for help.

Even the list itself looks anxious. Beside the addresses and names of the record: “Urgent, empty fridge”, “Hurts, not enough on drugs”…

Valentina met me at the Elevator.

– don’t want you to see what’s going on in my house. Tenants from above sent a flood, since then it’s been a few months, but money for repairs and is not expected. All in a terrible state… But I-it’s okay. Here for niece it hurts my soul. She lives in a small village much of Pikalevo in the old wooden hut. And recently, the house fell. How to be – is unclear. To restore it is beyond us – for this we need hundreds of thousands of rubles. So she is poor and lives on the ruins in that part of the house, which is still holding on somehow. Not like old, 58 years old, but can barely walk, was very sick and stunted, just trouble. And she doesn’t have anyone… Honestly – some of these products send the niece of mail in the village. For her it will be a huge help.

next to the name of Nadezhda Mikhailovna noted: “Lives with relatives, but on a pension”. Just seems unpleasant pattern: an elderly woman and a bunch of freeloaders… Everything, as usual, is wrong. When I send packages in the depths of the apartment heard the children’s voices.

– Two young grandchildren and daughter pregnant with my third, – says Nadezhda. – Son-in-law went to work, and now because of the epidemic and can not go back, and sitting without work. And we’re slaughtered than have baby the payment of my pension, which should go to the Bank, and I was afraid the viruses around. I’m now rooting does not – daughter in a month to give birth.

Lyudmila Kasyanovna lives in an expensive low-rise residential complex: bent grates, pastoral lawns, expensive cars. Me again stirs unpleasant feeling: like, a charity set could give to someone really in need. But the pensioner is so sincerely happy packages of foods, even her dog becomes excited and bounces on the ground. I mentally pulls herself: how do I know in what circumstances was unfamiliar. In an expensive apartment, too, can be lonely and hungry.

“Thank you, I’m saved” – briefly exhales an elderly woman with Oriental facial features, taking the products.

“can you bring me free sets each month?” – interested in neat curly old woman. Explain that to obtain the regular assistance you need to contact the special services. She pursed his lips: “Is that called me a nasty word “poor”? No, I’m fine, thanks”…

In the warehouse, meanwhile, unload the wagon with sweets – May 9, seniors will deliver new sets, holiday.

in the Evening in the chat a message comes from the coordinator: “Friends! We have for the holidays is expected to be very large flow applications. I ask everyone to be prepared for increased activity and say a huge thank you for all that you do.”

you can request to receive a one-time charitable assistance at the Foundation of food “Rus” in the northwestern Federal district.

the Information service system of social protection of population of St. Petersburg: (812) 241-20-57.