In the “Novo-Ogaryovo” set a special tunnel in which the man sprayed a cloud of disinfectant solution. According to the source RBC, 15 June the most part of employees of the Kremlin returned udalenke.
In the presidential residence in the “Novo-Ogaryovo” set tunnel for disinfection. This was reported on the website of the Penza region government.
the Tunnel was developed in Penza the company. In this person sprayed a disinfectant solution.
the President appeared and disinfecting the tunnel. Person disinfected misty cloud. br>
Tunnel developed in Penza the company.
As reported at the end of April press-Secretary President Dmitry Peskov, Vladimir Putin due the threat of coronavirus reduced the number of face to face meetings and observe social distance when communicating with helpers and visitors. All members of the administration and the visitors of the President are subjected to the testing COVID-19.
in Addition, in late March, the Kremlin has translated into udalenku employees over 60 and those whose duties allow you to work from home, according to sources RBC. From June 15, the remote work for the majority of workers in the Kremlin ended, said the officials RBC.
Since the beginning of the pandemic in the Kremlin there were revealed several cases of coronavirus. Information about the ill employee is confirmed Sands. According to him, the people infected had no contact with the President.
may 12 with coronavirus were hospitalized the the press Secretary. After discharge from the hospital Peskov said that the first feeling after the positive test was a disappointment: he believed that we keep him and his family to strict quarantine measures will help to avoid infection, but it didn’t work out. Also had coronavirus and Prime Minister Mikhail Mishustin.