“Why steel watch 1980? Because in this time there was a reliable satellite information, allowing to estimate the snow cover area. Still, the satellite data contains the error in determining the amount of snow – its volume, height. So the Finns have compared satellite data with ground – based observations- at different points was measured by the height and density of snow. The error amounted to 10 percent. And was made such a conclusion – in General, with 80 years of the last century the amount of shortfall of snow in the Northern hemisphere does not change. But the snow line is moving North. In temperate latitudes, less snow falls, and in high – more,” – said Vilfand. If to speak about Russia, we have a high latitude range from 60 parallel. It, for example, is located Saint Petersburg.

the Meteorologist added that the study provides one more paradoxical conclusion: the past winter was the most snow in the Northern hemisphere. “It’s hard to believe, because we lived all winter without snow. And not only we, but the whole European territory. And Western Europe was without snow. But in our Asian territory, and in North America, snowfall was greater than usual. But in Lapland the snow was a record, so in the spring flood on all the local rivers is extreme. In some regions in Finland, and in Norway as a result of melting of snow occurred landslides. And even slipped in the water at home,” – said Vilfand.

However, according to him, it is impossible to say that now every year in the European territory of Russia will be low-snow winter. Maybe one snowy winter, and then five snowless. “But such a trend emerged, but the snow in the temperate latitudes will become increasingly scarce. But how much less, we can figure out in 20 years or 30,” explains forecaster. He notes that the important thing now is to try to adapt to the trends of climate change.

for Example, for winter crops in southern regions of the country snowless winters now are not particularly scary. In the mid-twentieth century it was believed that if the winter with little snow, then the probability of freezing winter. Because the polar processes in the soil freezes quickly. But then agrometeorology conducted by the meteorologist studies have shown that in recent decades the situation has changed. Cold now less than before. And soil freezing almost never happens.

“But if the snow in the North will experience more, we should build houses with sloping roofs more. But if we in the center are frequent thaws, then there must be another structure of roads and floors. The desired adaptation to climate change does not impact negatively on daily life,” – said Vilfand. He said that in Russia a detailed study of regional climate change are held in the Main geophysical aboutservatory. There developed the system of preparation for adaptation to climate change.