the Proposed head of the CPS three-phase plan exit isolation was estimated by the lawyers. They have different attitudes as to these measures and their withdrawal, but they all agree on one thing — they have finally, clearly adjusted.

the Head of Rospotrebnadzor Anna Popova reported on the meeting with the President on may 6 about the plan for a gradual exit from isolation. First – to allow people to play sports on the street, but not EN masse, but individually. The second stage is to allow a walk with the family and open educational organizations and small retail outlets. And finally — open parks, squares and all the shops. All this in compliance with social distance.

In my opinion, what is offered, most of them are already happening, – said the lawyer Dmitry Agranovsky. We now live in a virtually unregulated time. On the one hand, there are severe restrictions. On the other — they are not spelled out by law. With the third — and the authorities do not ask people their rigid execution. But, everyone runs the risk of being punished and not always know how to act in a particular case, in order not to break anything. For example, take a pass. Initially it was stated that Moscow and the Moscow region — one zone. I have the certificate of lawyer. I write out a pass to travel to Moscow for the duration of the restrictions and fill in your car. But, in the suburbs need to travel by car to issue the single permit. And I don’t really understand, do I need everytime to write this one entry pass for travel on the Moscow or the Moscow pass? Therefore, I believe that the measures now proposed, must be clearly defined, so that people understood — who when what is possible and what is not.

for Example, the first step would be to resolve to exercise, but walking is possible only with children. Does this mean that, if allowed to do sports, and people come to walk, he may be punished?

– So, Yes.

– how prove you walk, and don’t exercise?

– the fact of the matter is that everything should be clear. And if they do not you can say that are engaged in sports walking, and let them try to punish.

poor regulation restrictions drew attention and another lawyer Oksana mikhalkina.

– All these restrictions are unlawful from the very beginning, – said the lawyer. – When mode is entered with self-restraint, then this means that a citizen is supposed to determine – he can leave home or not. And it is not regulated by law. Because of this there are many risky for the people moments.

for Example?

– If people are forced to go to pharmacies, for products which are not in the nearest store��nah, it turns out that no one seems to be not limited, but at the same time nobody is immune from liability. We are now in such a position that anyone who moves forced by circumstances, the danger of being fined. On the other hand, you cannot limit their rights — to go to the pharmacy, to go to the hospital to buy food. People cannot be punished for it. And, if prosecuted, then you need to challenge it. And what measure of relief will be as badly written? We must all clearly be adjusted. Otherwise there remains a risk to be fined.

Another expert “MK” lawyer Julian Sobolev considers proposals to exit isolation “is reasonable, but premature.”

– it is Very difficult to control all this, – said Sobolev. – A Russian man give an inch and he’ll take your arm again begins drinking, partying and so on. Here, I now look out the window — in one place a company of eight people gathered in the other – at the entrance of the people discussing something. And how can we control what came out into the street? But because of behavior of our neighbors, our health depends.

– What the output might be?

– I think we need systemic work. Will have to raise militias to help the police, to impose reasonable measures of indulgences and to tighten liability for their violation.

– I Propose to toughen the penalties?

why not? When he began to struggle with Smoking, and imposed fines, it is not believed that this law will be performed. But still eventually became. And all because we have carried out comprehensive work and imposed fines.

– are you against indulgences?

– we first Need to understand how we ready for this? As far as the authorities ready for it? As the police instructed. Would not like the subway? I think you need to first spend sometime in one location the experiment is to run the first stage and see how it will be. If you succeed, good. If not roll it back. I – for the gradual introduction of the relief. And it should be a clear subject of work with tight control.