The defense Ministry has declassified documents about the release of 75 years ago Bratislava

the 75th anniversary of this historic date on the Internet portal of the Ministry of defense of Russia has opened a new multimedia section. Its visitors can get acquainted with a unique previously unknown archival documents – military reports from the front, the cryptogram, Polygonaceae, premium sheets and photographs.

Photo: How 75 years ago the Soviet army stormed the capital of Slovakia

of Particular interest to Internet users will be called by the code telegram IV, which even before the Bratislava-Bronowski offensive, the Supreme Commander of the armed forces of the USSR Joseph Stalin was reported two Slovak divisions ready to act towards the Nazis with the intent of connecting with the red Army.

the Liberation of Bratislava – the merit of the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian front. In addition to ground and air forces in the operation were involved the ships of the Danube flotilla.

While combat operations were in a difficult theatre of war – with lots of rivers and canals. The German command hoped to stop the advancing Soviet troops, using the best natural frontiers. Enemy units held prepared defensive zone, built using the mountain ranges and the large number of rivers (Hron, Nitra, Morava). In the cities almost every street has peregorazhivanie barricades, which were to stop the advance of Soviet armor.

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, which is evidenced by relevant materials, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia.

the defense ministry has declassified documents about the release of 75 years ago bratislava 2Bratislava was liberated due to the tactical superiority of command of the red armyI. Photo: Russian Ministry of defence

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, which is evidenced by relevant materials, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia.

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, which is evidenced by relevant materials, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia.

“Assault and bomber strikes groups 6-8-14 aircraft destroyed troops and equipment of the enemy in strong points, the nodes of the resistance and on the battlefield, and destroyed the retreating troops and equipment of the enemy in front of the advancing our troops”, – stated in the review of the fighting 5th air army.

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, which is evidenced by relevant materials, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia.

“Assault and bomber strikes groups 6-8-14 aircraft destroyed troops and equipment of the enemy in strong points, the nodes of the resistance and on the battlefield, and destroyed the retreating troops and equipment of the enemy in front of the advancing our troops”, – stated in the review of the fighting 5th air army.

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, which is evidenced by relevant materials, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia.

“Assault and bomber strikes groups 6-8-14 aircraft destroyed troops and equipment of the enemy in strong points, the nodes of the resistance and on the battlefield, and destroyed the retreating troops and equipment of the enemy in front of the advancing our troops”, – stated in the review of the fighting 5th air army.

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, on this evidenceUte relevant material, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia.

“Assault and bomber strikes groups 6-8-14 aircraft destroyed troops and equipment of the enemy in strong points, the nodes of the resistance and on the battlefield, and destroyed the retreating troops and equipment of the enemy in front of the advancing our troops”, – stated in the review of the fighting 5th air army.

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, which is evidenced by relevant materials, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia.

“Assault and bomber strikes groups 6-8-14 aircraft destroyed troops and equipment of the enemy in strong points, the nodes of the resistance and on the battlefield, and destroyed the retreating troops and equipment of the enemy in front of the advancing our troops”, – stated in the review of the fighting 5th air army.

Photo: Getty Images What plans did the Nazis in regard to the Baltic

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, which is evidenced by relevant materials, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia.

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, which is evidenced by relevant materials, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia.

“Assault and bomber strikes groups 6-8-14 aircraft destroyed troops and equipment of the enemy in strong points, the nodes of the resistance and on the battlefield, and destroyed the retreating troops and equipment of the enemy in front crustspeaking out our troops”, – stated in the review of the fighting 5th air army.

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, which is evidenced by relevant materials, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia. “Attack and bomber strikes groups 6-8-14 aircraft destroyed troops and equipment of the enemy in strong points, the nodes of the resistance and on the battlefield, and destroyed the retreating troops and equipment of the enemy in front of the advancing our troops”, – stated in the review of the fighting 5th air army.

No less fierce was the fighting in the skies over Bratislava, which is evidenced by relevant materials, as well as the flight patterns and unique photos taken by Soviet pilots over the capital of Slovakia.

“Assault and bomber strikes groups 6-8-14 aircraft destroyed troops and equipment of the enemy in strong points, the nodes of the resistance and on the battlefield, and destroyed the retreating troops and equipment of the enemy in front of the advancing our troops”, – stated in the review of the fighting 5th air army.

it is Important that the operation of the Soviet troops carried with a slight superiority in manpower. The victory was achieved primarily due to non-standard tactical and operational actions gained during the war experience to break through the strong enemy fortifications, and the superiority of Soviet troops in technology and weaponry, the talent of the generals, the courage and bravery of soldiers.

it is Worth noting that the command of the 2nd Ukrainian front was strictly required to minimize their losses, causing the enemy the greatest damage.

Photo: RGAKFD ARCHITECT. No 0-92856 Soviet soldiers-liberators 75 years ago entered into the Austrian land

4 April, Soviet troops, waging fierce street battles, to 18.00 has completely cleared the enemy from the capital of Slovakia, reported in the journal of combat actions of the 7th guards army.

on the same day, according to the order of the Supreme commander of the Armed Forces of the USSR of Joseph Stalin, Moscow saluted the valiant troops of the 2nd Ukrainian front, captured the city of Bratislava, with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns. In commemoration of the victory the units and formations, the most distinguished in the battles for the capital of Slovakia, was submitted to the name of “Bratislava” and awarding orders.

on the same day, according to the order of the Supreme commander of the Armed Forces of the USSR of Joseph Stalin, Moscow saluted the valiant troops of the 2nd Ukrainian front, captured the city of Bratislava, with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns. In commemoration of the victory the units and formations, the most distinguished in the battles for the capital of Slovakia, was submitted to the name of “Bratislava” and awarding orders.

on the same day, according to the order of Joseph Stalin, Moscow saluted to the troops of the 2nd Ukrainian front, captured the city of Bratislava, with 20 artillery salvoes from 224 guns. In commemoration of the victory the units and formations, the most distinguished in the battles for the capital of Slovakia, was submitted to the name of “Bratislava” and awarding orders.

a Special place among the declassified documents is a testimony of the atrocities perpetrated by the Nazis in the Slovak capital in the years of occupation.

“From the anti-tank ditch and two pits extracted 536 corpses. All the bodies had bullet wounds and signs of torture, wounds with a blunt weapon, fractures of upper and lower limbs… Among shot – 45 female, 30 children from three days of age to 10 years old, 30 old people”, – is said in the act about the atrocities in Banska Bystrica.

As noted in the document archive, the inhabitants of Bratislava, the Red Army met with joy and gratitude: “the Population sees in the red Army, the liberator of the country from Nazi and Hungarian enslavement. Many Slovaks Express their feelings of gratitude for our military personnel, the relationship of the Slovak and Russian languages allows military personnel and local residents to make them understood. In the years of the Hungarian occupation of the Slovak population was forcibly modernizatsii, Hungarians infringed not only national and material interests of the Slovak population.”

In a report on the situation in Bratislava it is also reported that the city was taken rapidly and in a short time, so that the population is free from the difficulties which befell the inhabitants of Budapest.

With the help of the red Army Bratislava recovered rapidly: he was given water in a short time resolved the issue of the start-up power was restored, the roads leading to the town. It is noted that in the city there are not only intellectuals among the Slovaks, but even the Germans, not compromised by ties to the Nazis.

Photo: Yevgeny khaldei / RIA Novosti Landing Olshansky: as 68 18 Marines repelled enemy attacks

In July 1945 in order to provide food for the population of Bratislava by the Soviet military command at the disposal of the municipal government allocated the necessary amount of food, and July 25 is open trade of products on the cards.

the Publication of declassified documents about the liberation of Bratislava from the funds of the Central archive of the Ministry of defense of Russia is the continuation of the defence Ministry aimed at the preservation and protection of historical truth, countering falsification of history, attempts to revise the results of the great Patriotic and the Second worldth wars.

the Loss of the 2nd Ukrainian front in the operation was 79 596 soldiers and officers, including 16 933 person – permanently. Accurate data about German losses – no.

On the territory of Slovakia is about 160 graves of Soviet soldiers fallen during the liberation of the country from fascism. Slovaks take care of the graves of our soldiers. In military cemeteries, in private fraternal and single graves contain more than 60 thousand Soviet soldiers. Bratislava is 7 thousand Soviet soldiers. In memory of our compatriots has installed about 100 of the monuments, plaques and other memorials.

the defense Ministry said that the publication of declassified documents about the liberation of Bratislava is a continuation of the defence Ministry aimed at the preservation and protection of historical truth, countering falsification of history, attempts to revise the results of the great Patriotic and Second world wars.