Tag: History

In the international discussion club "Valdai" discussed the role and the place that took the events of 1939-1945 in the political, social and cultural life of Russia and many countries from Europe to Asia
Dairy king Alexander Chichkin - first-Guild merchant and the entrepreneur was fond of saying: "the Poets of poets, but a barrel of oil, and cheese, and a bottle of delicious milk can equally praise their homeland, to serve the common good and the flourishing of his native land..."
The state Duma adopted the law on amendments to the list of days of military glory and memorable dates. Instead, on 2 September 1945 after the Second world war is declared on 3 September. This very day the USSR celebrated as a victory Day over Japan
Exactly 50 years ago in the mission control center United States received a report from astronaut John Swagart: "Houston, we have a problem". Thus began the mission to rescue the disaster of the ship "Apollo-13"
April 13 marks the 75th anniversary of the liberation of Austria from Nazi invaders. Strategic offensive operation the red Army conducted from 16 March to 15 April 1945, troops of the 2nd and 3rd Ukrainian fronts

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