Natalia Plotnikova, Deputy of the city Council of Norilsk from 2007 year, while in Avignon the hospital, recorded the video in the name of the Governor of the Krasnoyarsk territory. As a result of the infection killed her son Eugene, and she asks about what could go wrong. Was it possible to prevent a misfortune? And she says no. The region, she said, was not ready for the epidemic.

“How did it happen that we have in the city kovid-hospital no CT? – the woman is indignant. – Sick people are missing the oxygen on the ambulance and bringing in commercial CT. The first and main camera, which shows the presence of pneumonia, is CT. My son’s x-rays showed, and my husband x-rays showed! So, first and foremost had to be at least two CT! One residential care service, and the other here in Covina the hospital. As it happened, that quidnam the hospital set the minimum number of points for the connection of oxygen in the chamber?. …The collapse of the diseases, the reason my son died is in relation to the regional medicine to the medicine of Norilsk.

the Deputy says that the medicine of Norilsk were transferred under the direct control of the region, as a result, in her words, “no funds, no equipment, we have nothing”. The woman believes that if health care remained the responsibility of the municipality, then the city could “pick up their funding and to remove those flaws, which today is.” Turning to Alexander USS, Natalia Plotnikova in despair admits:

— Care of my son untied me hands I can’t hide what I see. And I want more time with the wife’s help to help Norilsk. I want them to not sit with a temperature of 38 home and not put themselves antibiotics, because there are no places in hospitals, and if there are, then there is no one to treat! I don’t know what you now to Committee reports, but I must tell you: continue to send people home to be treated, people continue to home until you stop breathing. Measurements of saturation is not in any pharmacies, people do not understand why they start to suffocate. And this is the stage when picked up by the doctors, not just doctors and recovery discs. And it would be possible not to bring this up!

the MP said that in an infectious diseases hospital the minimum number of points of connection of oxygen. Now install the new points, but the time, according to Plotnikova, already lost. Also in the hospital, she says, not enough suction and morphine to critically ill patients on a ventilator.

“the City can’t help but not helping. I understand that is quite without us localities, where, perhaps, worse. But then you have to sit at the negotiating table and say: pay us so-and-so, we have money just not enough.” You will forgive me for such treatment�� — I too have suffered much in this life…”

But what was your reaction to the cry of the soul Internet users:

“In my opinion, so far.

And in the suburbs and villages is even worse.”

“Excuse me, not she did vote, she is the Deputy from party in power”.

“the Deputy had similar issues to take up, not after.”

“Sorry woman, but elected officials know how the people live, only when will secure themselves”.

“all the same….

Condolences in the loss of a son.”

Read also: Norilsk Deputy smashed the regional medicine because of the death of a son from COVID