Tag: Roscosmos

Google and the Russian space Agency has prepared answers astronauts to the most popular questions from Russian users of the network. Watch the stories of the astronauts about life and work in orbit and try to repeat it at home. Imagine that the closest store is 300 kilometers of airless space
The head of the company SpaceX Elon Musk has responded to the words of the head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin
The head of Roscosmos, Dmitry Rogozin, responded to comments by the head of SpaceX Elon musk
The Russian crew members of expedition ISS-62 aboard the International space station congratulated the inhabitants of the Earth with the Day of Cosmonautics.
The General Director of the Russian space Agency, Dmitry Rogozin, said that in the updated Fundamentals of state policy in the field of space activities is the task of exploration of other planets

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