During the Corona-crisis abound on my walk increasingly also by Cyclists. So my question is this: Is a General driving ban for cyclists?

P. Kistler, Schaffhausen

The answer to this question is simple: Driving in the General driving ban! Also with the bike. Thus, the cyclist is considered a pedestrian and, therefore, legally on the road, he has to push his Bike to walk. Of course, currently, with the required Corona-distance.

bicycles and slow E-Bikes may travel on roads with signs that display a “driving ban for motor bicycles”. For fast electric bicycles however, this only applies when the engine is off.

respect and caution

May be used by pedestrians and Cyclists together, is respect (and caution!) appropriate to avoid disputes and accidents. Cyclists, the respect to fully and slowly to pedestrians over, pose very little threat or reason for the Trouble. Helpful is it, when cyclists appear: press Shortly the ring helps tremendously in a good mood. Especially, if there is enough distance not to ring the bell in order for the pedestrian to scare to death. A bell on the Handlebars or knatter cards between the spokes may have the same effect.

eye contact promotes mutual trust and understanding, in addition. This is made even easier when the pedestrian to leave some space, so that the bikes can pass with sufficient clearance. Quickly to the right side to Dodge – and friendly greetings. So it’ll work with the each other come.

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