Tag: Employment

The most popular professions of the near future managers in the promotion of social networks and programmers. In addition, we will need people who are "working hands" - locksmiths, electricians, plumbers, said "RG" Director of the center of employment of the population
Analysts made a rating of Russian regions by the number of jobs. Over the past three years in 25 regions it has increased - the leaders of the Moscow region, Moscow and Krasnodar Krai. In the 60 - reduced
Because of the coronavirus level of competition for jobs in regions has grown. What projects are launching to help small business and how to allocate funds to solve the problem, tell the correspondent "RG"
This year Russia introduced the electronic employment record. What is their advantage, what are the risks that electronic data is lost, what to do with the data on professional awards? The Deputy head of Rostrud Ivan Shklovets answered these and other questions of readers "RG"
The story of the coronavirus showed that the number of areas that previously felt quite confident, was unclaimed. Temporarily remained without work, the employees of catering companies, travel agencies, and airlines. But which careers can easily survive any crisis?

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