For the first Time since the beginning of the 1940 census 2019 arrived according to the Federal office for roads (Astra) less than 200 people in road traffic accidents: 187 people died. In 2018, it was 233, in the worst year in 1971, incredible in 1773, Dead! Since then, it gets constantly better. Also, the number of seriously injured fell again on 3639. In the 1970s, there were up to about 15’000 in the year.

problem child to the most recent statistics, only the E-Bikes, the accident numbers rose are. But, as the Switzerland is actually in comparison to other countries?

rod According to the WHO, rank 3

you need a mass. We take traffic deaths per 100’000 inhabitants and in the year 2016 – this is the latest global survey by the world health organization (WHO), the collected in contrast to other, recent statistics from all countries. What we leave out: city-States such as Monaco and tiny Nations such as Kiribati, where each fatal accident is transforming the statistics.

in the World were according to the WHO, in countries in 2016, only Norway (at 2.1 fatalities per 100’000 inhabitants) and Sweden (2.2), ahead of Switzerland (and 2.7). Behind: the United Kingdom, the Netherlands, Denmark, Estonia, Denmark, Japan, and on rank 10 Germany (4,1) as the first neighboring country. Austria (5,2), France (5.5) and Italy (5,6) were almost all Europeans at the front of the midfield. Down clear of poor Poland, Albania or Turkey, for example.

13 times more Killed

The world average in 2016, at 17.4. Great powers were at 12.4 (USA), 18,2 (China) and 18.0 (Russia). Roughly we can summarize the statistics together: Europe, North America, South America, Asia (high proportion of Scooter and Bicycle accidents), and Africa. And that the more affluent a country is, the more secure.

The world-the conclusion of the lights were in 2016, Thailand, Tanzania, the Central African Republic, the democratic Republic of the Congo and Liberia: There 35,9 died annually of 100’000 people on the streets, which is about 13 Times as many as the us. But why? Because security is a luxury Not all can afford.

a negative example, South Africa

for example, South Africa, in the WHO statistics of 2016 25.1 among African countries is still relatively good, since then due to rising accident numbers on one of the lowest ranks slipped. Drinking and driving (58% of all fatal accidents), and not wearing the belts (62 %) are considered to be two of the causes. Add to this the infrastructure: In South Africa, the road is often at the same time, also the sidewalk.

Excessive speed is forbidden – but just want to be in a large country controls: In the us the laws are sharper, the control density is high.

moreover, there cheap mobility is needed: Cracks on the Golf I from 1974 based there until 2009-built VW Citigolf with zero Crash safety in a minibus collective taxi, die in one hit ten or more people. The fleet is young, almost every car has the giant progress of the Crash safety since the 1980s, and the ABS, ESP and co. In the newer cars warn assistance from accidents and engages even as emergency responders.

‘t forget to 1.35 million victims,

: since the 1970s rescue service is a professional and in a small country like Switzerland to you quickly. And already the driving training is more stringent and hazard awareness certified.

All of this makes Switzerland is safer than the majority of the world: Global 1.35 million people on the streets: all of 25 seconds to die in the year a victim! At the age of 5 to 29 years of age is death on the road world-cause of death number 1.