As he wrote, “RG”, Bolsherechensky school was empty a year ago – in may 2019, when the teacher left the village. Since then, to find a new teacher either in the village or outside it failed. Although the district authorities offer good standards of rural salary of twenty thousand rubles and an apartment in the house on two owners.

In a Large tranquil lives only 78 people, and primary school this academic year had to walk eight children. When teachers did not, the district authorities proposed to carry medsales-nicks in the neighboring village of carp. But not every day once a week, as well as older children who the whole working five days and six days living in a boarding school. A few parents agreed to put the kids in boarding school there was only two. Two more first-graders left home seven years they were in November, so the hike in first class was postponed for a year. The other was attached to relatives living in carp.

so before the March holidays, the local kids and went on all week to school in the neighboring village. And in April, with the transition to distance learning, on the contrary, a teacher from Karpovskiy school began to go in a Big Quiet, to give tasks to the students, because in the village there is no Internet, no cell connection. As told the acting Chairman of the Committee on education Soloneshensky district Olga Golovina, once a week the teacher met with the guys in bolsherechensky school, were given new jobs, were taken to check the notebook and advised them to be passed independently of the topics. These remote villages were not included in the number of settlements where we have introduced the mode of self-isolation. So teachers could communicate with students at a distance and one at a time.

All this time the search of the master for Quiet continued. Thanks to the “Russian newspaper” in the administration of Soloneshensky district, addressed more than a dozen applicants. But they are only interested in the terms of work and residence, the specific intent to find a job has not been expressed. Most, of course, scared of the harsh living conditions – water from the well, oven that needs to heat the… City dwellers’t ready for that, even if the “bonuses” are offered clean air and mountain scenery.

But a million is the argument. So in early 2020, when the state launched a program of “rural teacher”, the search for the teacher perked up. Applications for the vacancy in a Large, Peaceful, where the teacher according to the program promise to pay the lifting of one million rubles, was filed by six candidates.

All six were from other regions, – said Olga Golovina. The problem is that many people apply for participation in the program for several positions – both in the region and in others. And if you win the contest on several jobs, choose the one that they Bo��the again suitable. So six applicants is not a guarantee that one of them will come in Greater Quiet.

the Winner of the competition “the rural teacher” for the job in the mountain village of the Altai territory became a primary school teacher from the Krasnodar territory Indira Poleva. In the regional Ministry of education and science noted that the selection took into account the education, qualification, experience, and on the basis of these criteria, a rating was compiled of all applicants. Who scored more points in the ranking wins.

Until July 1, the winner must send his consent to the transfer in the selected villages, including Most Quiet, and to conclude an employment contract for five years, – said the head of sector of personnel development and certification of the Ministry of education Olga Alenushkina. If they do not, then the vacancy and lifting will offer the next highest bidder. If none of the contenders did not send their consent, then the lifting will be transferred to another school.

Dare Indira to move from the South of Russia to Siberia? Bolsherechensky really hope for a million rubles will still be willing to work in their school. Otherwise, families with children disperse, and the village will die, say the villagers.

Viktor Medvedev is single and has four children and is already thinking about moving. Indeed, the lack of schools shared this big family in half. The eldest son after military service, lives with his father, helping with the economy. Junior is also still at home, although in September had to go to the first class.

I didn’t let him go, says the father of many children. – This is not the case when you have a family, children to live in a boarding school. And so I had the middle son-a third grader learn to send to my sister in the village Verkh-Anuyskoye. There lives and the eldest daughter. If there is no teacher in a Quiet, all going to move there.

help “RG”

in the Altai region In the program “Zemsky teacher” included 183 rural jobs teachers. This year the money allocated for the relocation allowance in the amount of one million rubles for 44 vacancies, including at school, in a Large Quiet. According to the Ministry of education and science of the region, to participate in the program received 277 applications from 157 applicants.

Maxim Kostenko, Minister of education and science of the Altai Krai:

– I am sure that all jobs under the program “rural teacher” are closed, there is a sufficient pool of candidates for every position. Every year before the beginning of the school year recruited about 600 available jobs, and almost always we find teachers, even without such significant lifting. So, I think, no problems, including in the village school a Large Quiet. In addition to “provincial teacher”, this year has seen additional resources for attracting young specialists in rural schools. In particular, we have increased from 50 to 75 numbersthose of graduates of pedagogical colleges, which will receive the lifting 150 thousand rubles. And began to give out a scholarship named after Shikotanskogo for undergraduates of pedagogical universities, who go on a long practice in the rural schools. It’s almost three million per year of additional support for young teachers.