TV presenter Vladimir Pozner said that he sees the political ambitions of the Director Nikita Mikhalkov. In an interview in the program “Just about the complex with Sofiko Shevardnadze” in “Yandex.The air” he also commented on the issue of Mikhalkov about chipping people.

“He sees himself Russian Pericles (statesman, one of the “founding fathers” of Athenian democracy. — approx. “Of the”). He has political ambitions. This is manifested in what he does,” said Posner. According to the journalist, he can’t believe that a man of such culture, such education and such a mind, as Mikhalkov can believe in what he says.

He called a great honor that Mikhalkov has devoted part of its broadcast. Posner said he did not see the need to block the YouTube channel of the Director or to restrict access to his videos, but added: “This is definitely a biased program, built to prove a point Mikhalkov, but to hide information that contradicts it. And she, in particular, stirs up hatred”.

In early may, Posner reported that he experienced disgust while viewing the transmission Mikhalkov. According to him, the program was a “colossal lie.”

Later, Posner wrote the Director a letter. In response Mikhalkov accused of lying to the Posner and revealed the details of their private correspondence. After that Posner published the private messages from the opponent, but stressed that to continue the discussion do not intend to (this episode is “Just about the complex with Sofiko Shevardnadze” was recorded the day before the letter was published, approx. “Of the”).