At the last Council on national projects, which was conducted by the President, discussed the possibility of a “shift right” figure for input of 120 million square metres of housing per year, said Yakushev. But it was a preliminary discussion. In the near future the Ministry needs to prepare its proposals on amending the passport of project, after which they will be considered again at the Council meeting.

the President instructed to look at the prospects for the development is not up to 2024, and by 2030, said Yakushev. In addition, new indicators of the national project should be linked with the national plan.

To postpone the performance indicators of the national project, according to Yakushev, there are objective reasons. In particular, the transfer of developers for project financing, which became a stress for the industry. “2019 shows that we have coped with this problem today, and banks in project financing, moving, and developers. The number of projects that go through project financing, constantly growing,” the Minister concluded.

Reform some impact on the establishment of new projects, said Yakushev. But the pandemic has forced the company to think – whether to start new projects. “Now it is very important to organize the work in such a way and with developers and banks to those granted building permits started to turn into projects directly on the ground. We are conducting this work”, – said Yakushev.

however, a number of indicators of the national project will not change, the Minister added – for example, those that relate to creating a comfortable urban environment. This project was implemented without any problems.