Belarus will never allow to rewrite history and to betray the memory of the great Victory that saved the world from the brown plague. This was stated on June 21, Alexander Lukashenko at the opening ceremony of the memorial complex “Ola” which is located on the site of the eponymous village in the Gomel region. It was burned by the Nazis during the great Patriotic war.

on the Morning of 14 January 1944, reminds BelTA, a German punitive detachment surrounded the village, the locals were herded into houses which were then set on fire. Those who tried to escape were shot with machine guns, were thrown alive into the fire. Just one day was shot and burned 1758 civilians, including 950 children. “It’s twelve Khatyn!”, the President stressed, adding that the country “will keep true history in stone”, despite attempts by some States to shift historical emphasis.

Among the silent witnesses of Nazi crimes in Belarus, said the head of state, say the Red Beach and Khatyn, Trostenets and “the Pit”, birky and Ola, mass graves and every square meter of our native land. “They are the guardians of truth.”

the President expressed his appreciation to everyone who took part in the reconstruction of the memorial complex “Ola”, including young people, through which this initiative has got the state scale, and to everyone who joined the project, coming this spring on the traditional Saturday. In the Republic, he said, is still “enough places with a tragic fate, not immortalized in the memorial”.

Alexander Lukashenko laid a wreath at the Central monument of the memorial and flowers at the mass grave of the Soviet soldiers and civilians who have been burned in the village of Ola.

In the center of the memorial area, according to the Agency, installed a symbolic cross and the bell. Next – the bell tower in the form of a stylized rustic barn with the number of bells by the number of villages, whose inhabitants died in the years of Nazi occupation.