Honored artist of Russia Valentina Legkostupova died 14 August after surgery to remove a hematoma in the skull. According to the official version, the singer in a state of alcoholic intoxication fell in his apartment, resulting in the injury.

The star for several days out of contact with the family. Concerned relatives arrived to her house and found the singer in a state of intoxication, together with her husband Yury Firsov. Daughter Legkostupova took her to a rehab clinic, but as Valentina is deteriorated. She fell into a coma and never regained consciousness, died.

Dana Borisova was named the cause of death Legkostupova

Doctors do not immediately notice the injury the singer. It turned out that the actress fell and banged my head. She had swelling of the brain. Doctors few days struggled for her life, but to save the singer failed.

On the death of Legkostupova under investigation, Yury Firsov passed on business as the witness, as evidence of his guilt do not exist. However, a good friend Legkostupova Alena Kravets said that in a professional environment, many blame the problems of the singer, her husband.

“Say different, but many believe that her drunk husband and she fell. However, the candle no one was holding, so 100% claim is impossible”, — said Kravetz for “Word and Deed”.

Valentina had a daughter who at the moment has no comment and nobody accuses. However, she told me that mom doesn’t have a drinking problem and she literally never took. But after the wedding, with Firsov, which happened a month ago, she began to drink.

Earlier runic seer Igor Vechersky in the comments for the “Slovo I Delo” reported on the possible involvement of Yuri Firsov to the death of Valentina Legkostupova. According to him, the widower was a cunning plan.