Agree, a few manage to become legends in life. So much so that established and managed them for decades, medical facilities in the people call their names: Chusovskiy complex, Rachelevsky Institute, Baranowski center… The more that the life of Alexander Baranov as a proof that it is not extinct even in the land of Russia, the nuggets that their work can change lives for the better. And rise to the heights of professional excellence and of unquestionable authority among colleagues does not depend on the geographical point of birth, the social status of the family and invested in education funds. But judge for yourself.

Sasha was born in the difficult first days of the great Patriotic war in the Kirov region. As if by fate he was destined to go through the thorns to the stars. And the family values instilled by parents, representatives of rural intelligentsia (mother a teacher and father is a paramedic), contributed to the formation of the citizen patriot. Yes, the character of the future academician from childhood. Even to just learning in high school, it was necessary to show remarkable tenacity. School 15 kilometers from home. To reach it, Sasha could only through the forest in winter – on skis, in summer on foot or by bike.

Lucky. The study in the Kazan medical Institute became the school of life, where all teachers bright and wise, classmates – true friends forever, sport, learn to keep breathing and not to go the distance. Then, the work of a young graduate in a rural area of Tatarstan. Baranov remembers him, the only pediatrician, “collapsed” and 10,000 children living on the stretch of tens of kilometers, and the children’s Department for 20 beds, and outpatient care of the kids, and another 4-5 per diem shifts a month… Unimaginable? Anyone. District pediatrician and sheep situation owned completely. Have gained the respect and trust of the rural mothers. Managed at such a young age to realize some of their organizational ideas. And came the result: infant mortality and infectious morbidity in the sponsored area declined and became one of the best in the country. And it’s not just numbers! For each of them, without exaggeration, hundreds of saved children’s lives! These first steps, as it is now fashionable to say, the optimization of medical care in rural children was continued in the form of dissertation research. At the age of 28 sheep was brilliantly defended his thesis.

And then there was “Gorky period” Sasha Baranov. To me personally it is especially dear for the simple reason that I Gorkovenko that knew and know to this day, some fellow-physicians. Pediatrician Aleksandr Baranov Gorky for 18 years, he rose from senior research coCreator of orgettable to the Director of the country’s first research Institute of gastroenterology. Statemachine scientist, organizer of health care for children. And doctoral dissertation at the age of 36, was a kind of well-planned result of the first and only to date extensive epidemiological study on the prevalence of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract in children in Russia. Firsthand knowledge of the team adored their young Director, who brought the Institute to the leaders of the national Pediatrics. According to the results of scientific and clinical work, he became one of the best in the country. Here there is all: the Institute was repaired, equipped with modern equipment, staff salaries have doubled. And most importantly: medical aid coming in from all over the country, children had to provide at the proper level.

But… the results Obtained were not in vain: a bright young organizer attracted the attention of Moscow: Alexander became Deputy Minister of health of the USSR Yevgeny Ivanovich Chazov for childhood and obstetrics. And on this post sheep with his characteristic tenacity did what he does best: saved children’s lives.

sheep attractive. In his new position, gathered a team of associates, have set the goal of a speedy decline in child mortality in the country. It’s the realization that the key to solving problems… in Central Asia. Especially in the Uzbek SSR. It is in this Republic were not only the highest birth rate, but one-third of deaths of children accounted for kids Uzbekistan. So there were two ideas pediatrician Baranova: theoretical about the necessity of a regional approach to reducing child mortality. And practical: on a team contract. What do you mean? This is when to work during the summer period, in order to avoid the rise in mortality from intestinal infections in Central Asian republics went the best pediatricians in the European part of the country. A two-year multi-week operation without output by 15 percent reduced the mortality of children in the “most difficult” areas.

The “Ministerial years,” Dr. Baranov helped implement the idea of creating the country’s consultative-diagnostic and perinatal centers. And was prepared in order to expand the “borders of Pediatrics” from 15 to 18 years… For the crazy pace of life the current birthday, like many of his colleagues felt as the country began to occur tectonic events… At the time of the collapse of the USSR first Deputy Minister of health Alexander Baranov was responsible for the preparation of medical institutions to the possible reception of the wounded during the coup (but, thank God! not needed), and for ensuring uninterrupted service during the transition period, and the ne��edcu cases the new employees of the Ministry of a sovereign Russia.

My favorite knight in the hard nineties focused on the noble mission of improving the training of pediatricians, and to survive-then it was not easy. In the years when salaries had not received for months, and worked primarily “at the behest of the heart”, it was he, Alexander Baranov, initiated a process of “continuous medical education” children’s doctors and nurses. The idea seemed viable. And he brought it to life: create a professional organization for professionals working with children, the Union of pediatricians of Russia. It’s tough stance of paediatricians, headed by its leader, academician Baranov, allowed to defend the pediatric service. Let’s not give politicians a kind of medicine to deprive the children of the country the help of a pediatrician.

Tom was a witness. There was another forum Pediatrics. And suddenly… Suddenly sounded supposedly “consistent top” a proposal to abolish all peds, pediatric departments, children’s hospitals. Children, they say, can and should be treated by General practitioners. Savagery? Such a priori, can not be! But it was! Was. I remember vainly trying to prove a certain leading lady known that children’s doctor can treat an adult, but on the contrary nothing is impossible. And if not for Alexander Baranov, supported by leading paediatricians.

Yes, knight is definitely a winner. Baranov was able to realize another of his dreams: the creation of ultramodern Scientific Center of Children’s Health. Capital letters there very appropriate. Alas, again despite. So is the life of many outstanding ahead of time people. Yes, in spite of the complexities of domestic and foreign policy, South-West of Moscow from the little-known Institute was virtually rebuilt and fitted with a genuine bulwark of pediatric science, practice and education. Appeared in the country center, which is leading the scientific flagship of the country’s child health and development, center for education of doctors-pediatricians, pediatric nurses.

Not once witnessed the visits Baranowski center for foreign specialists. Not many of them could not hide their envy, admiration: “he’s a Lucky guy Russian children and Russian pediatricians.”

As they say, the result on the face. And what was the result?.. Various classics in different times said that in Russia one should live long, if they want to achieve something. The time has passed. But don’t forget the Grand opening of the new building in Baranowski the center of children’s health. The representative of the Ministry of health offers a toast for Alexander Alexandrovich – he then headed the center. His merit is that, quoting presentLa that “sheep managed to break through, to overcome all the branches of government, managed to convince of the need for such a corps.” But… why is it necessary to break through, to overcome?..

However, everything goes to the side when triumph international recognition in Moscow for the first time in the history of Imperial, Soviet and modern Russia, is going European Congress of paediatricians. When more than 3.5 thousand participants from 82 countries of the world to Moscow to discuss the most topical, the most important problems of children’s health. Years passed, and the atmosphere of business friendliness in the memory, for sure, not just me. But it is also he President of the Congress, knight of Pediatrics Alexander Baranov

Vice-President of Russian Academy of medical Sciences, Public chamber of the Russian Federation, the Advisory councils at the legislative and Executive authorities, Commission for the protection of the interests of children… to Stop, just to name a few. I know one thing: my Sasha is the guardian of the interests of the country’s children and pediatricians. And his words “Save the health of children – save Russia!” without exaggeration motto and his colleagues.

I Catch myself on the fact that these notes can not do without a spoon of tar. You can not understand and certainly to accept that Alexander Baranov, the only one of the founders of krupnikovic centers is not his President? In Russia one should live long? How much? Life puts everything in its place? Hope dies last? So I hope for the triumph of justice, that the Scientific Center of Children’s Health, created and 20 years, led by the great pediatrician will give his name. Even dare to live up to this fair time!

As for the birthday party without the birthday questions? Although sheep are not a fan of interviews, still… I Turn to the official…

Alexander! Why did you decide to become a pediatrician?

rams| you Know, Irina, now it does not matter why many years ago I applied exactly on the pediatric faculty of the Kazan medical Institute… the Main thing that a single day in my long professional life I haven’t regretted it! I was proud of, proud of and will be proud that I’m a pediatric doctor.

can anyone become a pediatrician? Because the child it is enough just to smile to gain his favor. Right?

rams |And here you are mistaken! Children are very subtly feel someone in front of them. Honest or fake this man in the white coat? If he genuinely likes kids or is just?.. Never notice how some doctors like smile and “Lisp” with the kid: “Come to me, my good! Now we’ll see how beautiful my piece is.” A baby is crying and does not “unstuck” from my mom. And another doctor are looking, calm voice razgovorIvet and calls the little patient, and the calm goes with it. Children feel the soul of a person and are drawn to positive energy. Not cheat… So as a pediatrician, as you know, may be the only one who has a great soul and warm heart. This profession forever!

Easy to be a pediatrician?

rams| So you know the answer… of Course not! To find the approach to someone who just started talking, and someone who considers himself quite the adult, to know equally well the processes occurring in the body of a just born newborn and 17-year-olds, often going above and larger than the pediatrician. And yet – the ability to treat not only the child but also his entire family… So the peds and very logical science and all of medicine. And, of course, high art.

What book is now on the nightstand beside the country’s chief pediatrician? Fiction? Something pediatric?

rams| did Not guess (laughs). There is the IPad, which is the best cure for boredom – chess. There is nothing better than to beat a couple of times before going to sleep the computer and mentally promise yourself to continue to maintain cognitive health. Still more work to be done for Pediatrics and pediatricians!..

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Jennifer Alvarez is an investigative journalist and is a correspondent for European Union. She is based in Zurich in Switzerland and her field of work include covering human rights violations which take place in the various countries in and outside Europe. She also reports about the political situation in European Union. She has worked with some reputed companies in Europe and is currently contributing to USA News as a freelance journalist. As someone who has a Masters’ degree in Human Rights she also delivers lectures on Intercultural Management to students of Human Rights. She is also an authority on the Arab world politics and their diversity.