A couple of weeks ago the popular blogger and TV presenter Anastasia Ivleva told subscribers that contracted coronavirus. Commenting on his state of health, star of the social networks noted that the disease is quite mild. On 6 August it became known that Anastasia has recovered from COVID-19. In his Telegram-channel Ivlieva published the results of tests and they’re negative. “Hurrah!” — happy presenter.

“has Passed 10 meters, began shortness of breath. All day lying in bed, eating, more to do anything. We just lay there like a potato-cakes. While the feeling is that I want to lie in bed, doctors insist the first five days, and best of all disease lie. In General, our injuries have been mild, only some began to cough. Adults feel is acceptable. The weakness of the wild at all. I have two days of bed did not get up, but I have a good appetite, which is good, means the body is struggling, asks energy. Can’t taste your favorite food or drink, but endure can,” previously told Ivlieva about health.

Along with the leading “eagle and tails” with the coronavirus fell ill, her husband, rapper LJ (real name Alexey Usenik — approx.ed.) and their parents, who stayed in the country house of the couple. It is noteworthy that Anastasia husband and very responsibly approached the question of self-isolation and for two and a half months in the midst of a pandemic hasn’t left his house.

Today in Russia recorded 871 894 cases of coronavirus, 5 267 of which were revealed in recent days. 676 357 recovered, but 14606 – died.