“This vaccine did not come out of nowhere, was a serious, large developments for vaccines in the center of them. Gamalei. Technology the development of such vaccines is very clearly worked out, – said Nikolai Briko TASS. – Therefore, there may be some acceleration occurred due to the fact that the vaccine was not created in a vacuum. It is very important that all stages of vaccine research, international requirements have been fulfilled”.

At the same time, the head of AOKI Svetlana Zavidova explains that the holding of the first two phases of clinical trials, which in total were vaccinated less than one hundred adults and completely healthy volunteers is not enough to go to a wider use of the vaccine is under phase III trials. The third phase, as previously explained in the Ministry of health, will begin after registration and commencement of commercial production of the vaccine. To instill plan physicians who are in contact with COVID sick and are at risk.

In defense of the first Russian vaccine against coronavirus infection was made by and in Roszdravnadzor. “Complaints about the quality and security of the Russian vaccine against the coronavirus based on ignorance of research results,” – said the Deputy head of the Supervisory authority Valentina Kosenko.

According to her, this vaccine during the first two phases of research was vaccinated “a few hundred volunteers, and serious adverse reactions was not.”

“Obviously, AOKI, not knowing the results, makes conclusions,” said Mr. Kosenko.

She added that in the third phase of vaccine research will engage several thousand volunteers.