
Sergey Petrikov, Director of the Institute Institute of emergency care. N. In. Sklifosovsky:

– In the context of a large-scale emergency situation, which was the arrival of the pandemic COVID-19 in Moscow, was very important from the first days of the organization and harmonization of actions. Without it all would be like the front, which is fighting several armies, but each in its own way. To expect victory in this battle is not necessary. Clinical Committee essentially became a single command center. The workshop was attended not only by doctors both Federal and municipal clinics, but also heads of the Department of health, Moscow mayor Sergei Sobyanin, his Deputy for social development Rakova Rakova. It helped the Moscow health care and to act in a unified manner, to develop common approaches to the hospitalization of, the performance of CT – when and how to do it, selection of drug therapy in the prehospital phase and then. This is then extended to the hospitals and polyclinics of the city. Recognition of the effectiveness of this work was that many of the pure methods of the Moscow health Ministry of Russian Federation were used in formulating recommendations for the treatment of coronavirus infection for the whole country.

But I must say that adequately pass the peak of the pandemic Moscow was greatly helped by the fact that capital health was upgraded on the most modern standards even before her arrival. In particular, the clinics implemented a unified medical information automated system SYSTEM. In parallel was developed a system for remote image processing of computer tomography. During a pandemic, these two systems are connected. Due to this, when the ambulance delivered the patient, examined at the CT centre, the polyclinic, the doctors were able to see the light and wasted no time in starting to treat it.

Andrey belevskiy, the chief freelance pulmonologist of the Department of health of Moscow:

– recall that we are faced with a coronavirus infection, knowing her almost exclusively for literature. And people had to be treated. Therefore, it became necessary to unite efforts of the city doctors, professors working in the city, chief freelance specialists, chief physicians of major hospitals, where he was deployed covenyi centers to quickly make joint decisions. One of the major clinical decisions of the Committee was, for example, treatment at home patients in whom the disease proceeded without any complications. It is immediately noticeable unloaded at the hospital. In addition, for the patient to be treated at home is always better than in the hospital.

It is clinical Committee adopted another decision. Admitted to the hospital patients started to treat coronavirus, without waiting for the resultstov testing. The fact is that before the PCR results were sometimes due to different reasons false negative. Besides they need to wait was a few days. The peculiarity of the new virus is that it often develops so fast that the delay in treatment can be critical for the patient. That was something we learned in the course of the pandemic, we can say, with wheels. I remember at one meeting of our clinical Committee Sergei Semenovich Sobyanin said, you should work as a single organism. And so it happened. This model, in my opinion, can be reborn whenever you meet healthcare situations before unknown to him.

Marina Zhuravleva, chief freelance clinical pharmacologist Department of health of Moscow:

– Indeed, the drugs from new infections at the beginning of the pandemic was not and could not be, because before that nobody knew about this disease. And when there will be an effective and safe drug, just will not tell anybody. I would like to mention the following: Moscow to counter new threat virus used all the world experience. And the clinical Committee is monitoring the situation it literally by the hour, by the minute, when could be new information to instantly evaluate, analyse and, if necessary, to be used for the treatment of patients. The work was Herculean, the intensity of responsibility. The Ministry of healthcare of the Russian Federation has registered several domestic products. Moscow clinic, of course, among the first to be involved in their application. We’ll see how effective they are, safe. Of course, the Muscovites in the first place interested in the question: when it will be possible to say that there is already a cure for coronavirus. We, doctors, are also interested in this. But I remind you that after all, our main premise: do no harm. From this point of view, and will evaluate primarily new drugs. And this requires time to fully assess drugs and their use.

So now, when it comes to holidays, I unfortunately can’t recommend Muscovites not to forget to bring a cure for coronavirus. I can only advise: strengthen your immune system, eat a full. Observe sanitary-hygienic norms, in particular social distance. The coronavirus again taught us to wash hands. Will try not to forget about this habit is the source of infection very often it is dirty hands. Simple rules can help us to protect their health.