
Through the good times and, sometimes, the not so good, our restaurant critics tell you about their experience, present the team in the dining room and in the kitchen, while explaining what motivated their choice of restaurant. This week,...
(Montreal) The Montreal Vegan Festival is celebrating its tenth anniversary this weekend. The organization expects to receive thousands of people by the end of the event, which runs until late Sunday afternoon at the Palais des congrès.In ten years,...
“At 50, I got married and wrote my first book, because I had dreamed of writing since I was 5! », says Dominique Bertrand.“It’s a fantastic age. You're still in good shape, still cute, and there's wisdom acquired over...
Catherine has been in a relationship for ten years. She's never had a high libido, even less so with her demanding job and two young children. Until she started reading erotic novels. A story of an awakening, literally.“It freed...
(Paris) “Neither rapist, nor predator”: indicted since 2020 for suspicion of rape and sexual assault on actress Charlotte Arnould, actor Gérard Depardieu on Sunday defeated the accusations against him, denouncing a “ lynching” orchestrated by the “media court”“I can...

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