As was ripped separate negotiations with Nazi Germany allies

it is Unlikely that the President of the United States assumed that the Soviet leadership watched such attempts of the Germans since 1942. One of the first to know about upcoming separate negotiations reported to Moscow of Kim Philby. Scout was aware of everything that happened in Turkey, where the former Chancellor of Germany, von Papen tried to establish a dialogue with George Earl – resident of the US intelligence.

Photo: RGAKFD ARCHITECT. No 0-92856 Soviet soldiers-liberators 75 years ago embarked on the Austrian ground

And soon Philby came from another important message. The Germans are trying to enter into separate negotiations with the allies through neutral Sweden. Assistance in that they are trying to provide a large Swedish family of Industrialists Wallenberg, one of whose representatives tried to contact the people from the English elite. The attempt failed.

and in the future, when the fascist emissaries announced his desire to get in contact with Prime Minister Winston Churchill, received in the answer a resounding “no.”

At the January summit conference of 1943, at Casablanca, the U.S. and Britain adopted a Declaration of complete and unconditional surrender of Germany, Italy and Japan. It seemed that any possibility of concluding a separate peace between Germany and the Western allies were excluded.

And in February 1943 in Bern, arrived Allen DULLES, the future long-term head of the CIA and then head of the European office of strategic services (OSS), the United States immediately, spit out all the stops, entered into negotiations with the Germans. And led them for several years continuously. A German agent of the SD under the pseudonym of Gabriel embedded in the USS , reported to Berlin: DULLES hates Russian. According to him, they become the main enemy of America.

On the DULLES meeting with the generals of the SS in Moscow reporteddescribed “our informants are honest and humble people”

Probably about attempts DULLES knew of the administration of the President of the United States. And constantly assuring the Soviet leadership of his full loyalty, tacitly encouraged the scout-Russophobe.

I Reached the point that in the spring of 1945, DULLES had twice entered into negotiations with SS General Karl Wolff. Bastard, nothing like the wolf, played by Vasily Lanovoy in “Seventeen moments of spring”, negotiating favorable conditions for the Nazi elite, promising to turn the German weapons against the Russian – necessarily together with the Americans.

How German prisoners of war reacted to the verdict of the Nazi elite

“Operation Crossword,” as he called her negotiators, and the real conspirators undermined the military and political unity of the allies with the Soviet Union. Separate negotiations with the Germans without the Soviet Union could lead to serious, as we would say today, the global complications.

But, fortunately, the “Crossword puzzle” was solved in time Soviet intelligence and our diplomats. All this happened not as shown in your favorite movie. There was no shtirlitsa. Here act differently, without cinematic embellishment, but with much greater efficiency. No wonder Stalin wrote Roosevelt that his sources are “honest and unassuming people who carry out their duties carefully and have no intention to offend anyone.”

here is the text of Stalin’s message without changes, without placing missing commas. It’s not in commas. Point in failed transaction “Crossword puzzle” was finally delivered. Roosevelt, though called the whole incident a minor misunderstanding, go to the aggravation did not want to.

Kim Philby in 1942, passed the information from Of London, on the attempts of the Germans to negotiate with the allies. Photo: Getty ImagesДокументN 288ЛИЧНО AND SECRET FROM PREMIER J. V. STALIN


“Got Your message from April 5.

1. In my message of April 3, we are not talking about honesty and reliability. I never doubted Your honesty and reliability, as well as the honesty and reliability of Mr. Churchill. My point is that in the course of correspondence between us revealed a difference in views on what can afford to ally against another ally, and what he cannot afford. We, Russians, think in the present situation on the fronts, when the enemy is facing the inevitability of surrender, at any meeting with the Germans on questions of capitulation of the representatives of one of the allies must be ensured the participation in this meeting representatives of another ally. In any case, it is certainly a must if this ally seeks participation in such a meeting. The Americans and the British think otherwise, considering the Russian point of view is wrong. On this basis, they denied the Russian the right to participate in the meeting with the Germans in Switzerland. I already wrote to You and I consider not superfluous to repeat that the Russian in similar position in any case would not deny the Americans and British the right to participate in such meeting. I continue to believe the Russian point of view the only correct one, as it eliminates all possibility of mutual suspicions and gives the enemy opportunities to sow distrust among us.

2. It is difficult to accept that the lack of resistance from the Germans on the Western front is due solely to the fact that they were broken. The Germans have on the Eastern front 147 divisions. They could without compromising their craft to withdraw from the Eastern front 15-20 divisions and to transfer them to the aid of their troops on the Western front. However, the Germans did not and do not. They continue furiously to fight with the Russians for some obscure station in Czechoslovakia Selenica, which they so much need, as dead poultices, but without any resistance pass important cities in Central Germany as osnabrück, Mannheim, Kassel. Agree, what is the behavior of the Germans is more than strange and incomprehensible.

3. As for my sources, I assure You, this is a very honest and unassuming people who carry out their duties carefully and do not intend to offend anyone. These people repeatedly tested by us for cause.

Judge for yourself. In February General Marshall made a number of important messages to the General staff of the Soviet troops, where he on the basis of available data, warned the Russians that in March there will be two serious counter-attack the Germans on the Eastern front, of which one is directed from Pomerania to Thorne, and the other from the region of Moravska Ostrava to Lodz.

In fact, however, was that the main attack of the Germans was prepared and was made in the above areas, but in a completely different area, namely in the area of lake Balaton, southwest of Budapest. As we know now, in this area the Germans had collected up to 35 divisions, including 11 tank divisions. It was one of the most serious strikes during the war, with such a large concentration of tank forces. Marshal Tolbukhin managed to avoid disaster and then beat the Germans to smithereens, by the way, because my informants revealed, though with some delay, the plan of the main attack of the Germans and immediately warned him of Marshal Tolbukhin. Thus I had the opportunity to once again verify the accuracy and awareness of Soviet informers.(…)

7 April 1945″.

after publication: Correspondence of the Chairman of the Council of Ministers of the USSR with the U.S. presidents and Prime Ministers of great Britain during the great Patriotic war of 1941-1945.