Six months later, the Ministry was able to coordinate with concerned agencies the draft amendments to the law on public procurement, designed to simplify the procurement legislation. In spite of substantial completion of the project, the key changes was developed by the Ministry of Finance in autumn, the innovations mainly relate to proposals for increasing transparency of work of inspectors and tighter controls to prevent unfair practices.The Finance Ministry has prepared for public consultation a package of amendments to the law on public procurement (FZ-44) — new edition of “optimization” package included in the White house may 28, to prepare for submission to the state Duma, said the Ministry of Finance. Previously, “Kommersant” acquainted with the text of the draft submitted to the government, however, since the document was finalized (see “Kommersant” on 22 may). Key provisions, however, remained unchanged since the autumn. the project envisages the reduction of the list of methods of procurement, harmonization of documentation requirements, the introduction of an electronic aktirovanie, the introduction of a universal pre-qualification for protection from unfair suppliers and “complainers”, etc. (see “Kommersant” on 27 February).In particular, it is proposed to ensure the confidentiality of procurement information FSO of Regardie and Roscosmos such procurement can be carried out in a closed electronic form by analogy with the procurement, Ministry of defence (should be consistent with FAS).The project excluded the possibility of purchasing from a single supplier under decision of constituent entities of the Russian Federation, because there were cases of unjustified extension of this practice — the regions will be able to determine the only suppliers of the construction work. Point changes concern the strengthening of anti-dumping measures: in particular, suppliers will set a minimum amount of collateral contract (not below 10% and not less than the amount of the advance payment) if the price bid is recognized as dumping. To combat bid-rigging provided for reducing the start date of the auction since the end of the enrollment to two hours — due to the acceleration of deadlines for submission of quotations, interaction of banks and sites.The Finance Ministry proposes to include banks, VEB.Of the Russian Federation and regional guarantee organization (can give suppliers an “independent guarantee”) in subjects of control FZ-44, which will enable FAS to carry out their unscheduled inspections upon receipt of complaints from bidders. However, the project may change — as noted in the FAS, the main proposals of the service the project is considered, and a number of issues remain that require further development for the second reading. The details in the service refused to go.Diana Galieva