
In the past weeks have shown, what are the so-called critical occupations. In the center of attention, especially the medical staff, and in particular the nursing staff in the hospitals. The nursing staff in the people’s mouth due to the 80 percent of Women as nurses, to be referred to occupational group, the are with the many work and the average wage.

In Germany, there is a since the years of the shortage of skilled workers increasing in the area of health care: 100 Vacancies 40 job-seekers nursing professionals. As a result, the professionals are overloaded due to the in the Job. A nurse at the end of patients, many of come across 10 to be treated, in the night, sometimes more than double. The Person

Giulia Pugnaghi, M. Sc. Psychology, is currently a PhD student at the German sport University in Cologne.

Giulia Pugnaghi Giulia Pugnaghi, M. Sc. Psychology

the mental health of The nurses was in front of Corona by a thread

Including the quality of the work suffers. In particular, the attention that can be given to a patient is limited by the outer circumstances. More and more out of a divorce after only a few years out of the profession, exacerbating the shortage of skilled labour and poor working conditions for those in the System. The nursing professions were already in front of the Corona-crisis of the five occupational groups with the most work disability cases due to mental disorders. Over a third of nurses complain of emotional Overload or Burnout are at risk.

The Corona-crisis breaks the System completely. In an internal Write to a Bavarian clinic to the health personnel it is the beginning of March, “I respectfully ask you himself mentally for the coming weeks. In the event of a disaster, no working-time arrangements and any operating agreement”. The load on the nursing staff is rising to the extent of complete exhaustion. But the work situation is the only alternative. It’s a matter of life and death. Daily reports of lack of breathing masks, and intensive care beds. Companies to operate their production facilities, to the protection gear. However, the nursing staff is not easy to manufacture.

nursing staff as a hero, but dehumanizing

In the media care to be crowned forces as the heroes of this crisis. Heroes, the people who bring a special, extraordinary performance fully. We all know, if we listen into ourselves, that what these people are experiencing calls for incredible use. Robert Michael/dpa-Central image/d Dresden: A Banner with the inscription “respect for the nursing staff, hero of the company” hangs on a wall at the hospital. Yes, almost a heroic efforts. Despite this, our nurses are not super heroes, not fictional superhuman beings, they are people. The exponential growth of the Infected flood the hospital system – in some countries, such as Spain or Italy already happened. The views in the media gives us a hint of what could be available to us before in Germany. First of all, you will not even be our heroes suffering immune.

every Day hundreds of people in the congested hospitals to die in Italy. Thousands have already lost their lives. In Italy, the nurses at the hospital report that they have to decide life-and-death because you can’t save everyone. The mechanical supply of oxygen is given to those patients with higher chances of Rehabilitation,since not all patients can be treated and the access some have to be denied. Reuters/Luca Bruno/AP/dpa A huge drawing of a nurse on the facade of the hospital Papa Giovanni XXIII. in the Italian Bergamo.

In Italy and Spain, it is already that nurses need to hold the hands of dying people, after the life-support measure operations had to be aborted. These conditions are beyond the imagination. They are outside of human dignity for patients, as well as for the nurses, some of which can only watch idly. Care force one will not because of the rosy career prospect, because you earn a lot or because of the relaxed working hours.

speak of the war against the Virus

For many it is a vocation to care – to choose the profession, because you feel empathy with those who need it most. These emphatic people need to see day-to-day of the almost unbearable truth directly in the eye: you can’t help everyone.

right now, in times of Corona-crisis-we have all great cause for concern. Before infection, other infection, and care of family and friends, if possible, isolate. To all these human troubles, for the nurses on a daily basis new stressful experiences of death and a growing loss of control. To be able to fears and Worries, not enough do and not have enough strength all through this.

speak of the war against the Virus, and actually prevail in the hospitals in a state of war. The difference is that soldiers see in war people die, be prepared for months on your application and when you return, you will receive psychological care. Nurses, however, are not prepared for the Corona-war that attacked you. You are in the middle of it, and we are just at the beginning.

measures for rapid and sustainable help for our care workers

So, Yes: nursing staff are definitely our heroes. But they are not super heroes, they are people – and not to be forgotten! As long as we provide them no aid, we just unchecked the mental health of our nurses at risk! We need quick solutions for a regular self-screening for all staff with patient contact and fast treatment options for emerging requirements. Marcel Kusch/dpa Physicians and nursing staff to discuss in the Central emergency Department of the University hospital.

This need could be met by an immediate convening of regional crisis intervention teams made up of qualified psychologists, to ensure quick action in a crisis situation – as we know it from the military. Indispensable the establishment of a follow-up system for heavy-duty use of force is in addition to long-term severe mental sequelae counter.

We will be according to the Corona-crisis on nurses instructed. Here, politics is asked to act as soon as possible. Until then, every Single, may can with what he or she contribute, try to discharge our nursing staff, for example, in your everyday life to contribute. We must act, and act immediately. Our heroes need us to be. You can’t fight the battle alone – nobody can, because even heroes are only human!

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