Do you know people who constantly have to look for a toilet because they pee so often during the day? Others, on the other hand, hardly ever have to go to the toilet. But how often should you actually pee during the day? Experts explain.

Someone who drinks a lot has to go to the toilet more often than someone who doesn’t drink a lot of fluids – at least that’s usually the case.

But did you know that there can be too much on the toilet? How often you have to urinate is usually not something you even think about: if you have to, then you have to.

But how many trips to the toilet are perfectly acceptable – and when do you have to worry about your own health?

There is no specific recommendation that applies to everyone as to how often you should pee. This is because there is no universal indication of how much water you should drink every day. Of course there are guidelines, but the specific amount varies from person to person.

“The best way to tell if you’re well hydrated is to look at the color of your urine,” explains urogynecologist Amy George.

“If the urine is very dark or smells like something you just ate or drank, you should probably drink more water. On the other hand, if the urine is very clear or light yellow, you can assume that you have an adequate supply of fluids.”

When it comes to urinary frequency, however, you can use a normal range as a guide: the average bladder can hold between 0.3 and 0.5 liters at maximum capacity.

If you follow the hydration tips above and drink enough water, you should be able to pee about six to seven times in 24 hours (or about every 2.5 hours). This puts you in the normal range.

If you have to go to the toilet significantly more often or less often, this may be a warning signal from your body that something is not going well.

In some cases, having to pee very rarely can be a sign of kidney problems. “If you’re well hydrated and don’t need to go to the bathroom that often, you should see a doctor,” advises George.

A good indication in such cases is this rule of thumb: “You should excrete as much as you take in,” explains Fara Bellows, clinical professor of urology at Ohio State University.

An exception to the rule is if you exercise frequently and lose a lot of fluid through sweating. “If you sweat a lot, your urine output doesn’t necessarily correspond to your fluid intake,” says George.

But the urge to urinate too often can also be a warning signal. If you have to pee very frequently, you may be drinking more water than you need. In this case, you should first try to drink a little less fluid.

Anyone who has already followed the tip to drink less – the urine color should still be in the light yellow range as described above – but still constantly has to go to the toilet, may have an overactive bladder.

“Overactive bladder is a syndrome characterized by frequent urination and nocturia – multiple urinations during the night,” explains George. Another symptom could be incontinence – or just the feeling that you might not be able to make it to the toilet in time.

“When the bladder swells, it sends a signal to the brain that it needs to be emptied,” says George. But when you have an overactive bladder, the organ sends the wrong signals to the brain. It then feels like you need to go to the bathroom, even though the bladder is not full. While having to pee very often can also be a sign of a painful urinary tract infection, Bellows says that an overactive bladder does not usually cause the symptoms that can occur with a urinary tract infection.

In addition to childbirth, neurological problems such as a stroke, multiple sclerosis and Parkinson’s as well as bladder operations are common reasons for an overactive bladder. But simply getting used to going to the toilet frequently can also be a trigger.

According to the experts, pelvic floor training and a change in diet can help with an overactive bladder. However, a visit to the doctor may also be necessary.

If the problem is based on learned behavior, behavioral therapy can help, George said. A physiotherapist who specializes in pelvic floor dysfunction may also be worth a visit. Finally, it can also make sense to avoid coffee, tea and lemonade, as these drinks can contain bladder irritants, explains Bellows.

If you think you are going to the toilet too much or too little, you should speak to your family doctor first. “If there is cause for concern, they can refer you to a urologist,” Bellows said.

Important note: The information in this article contains only general information. To clarify a health problem, we recommend that you visit a qualified and recognized doctor.

The original for this post “Experts explain how much you should really pee a day” comes from FitForFun.